Thursday, June 23, 2011

Attack of The House Zombies

Crazy things start happening to my kids when we don't leave the house. We can never just spend a peaceful day at home. If we do not go somewhere, at least one place during the day, my children turn into something I like to call House Zombies.

This transformation begins when around 2pm when they notice we still have not left the house. Their eyes start glazing over, and they start to chew on the couch and pillows. They begin leaping from the banister, and riding on the dogs. In a blink of an eye, my sweet little girls have torn apart mommy's closet, ripping through dresses and hats.

These House Zombies, with a mind of their own, frown at every puzzle or art kit placed in front of them.

Luckily, I've found a cure. An hour or two at the playground, mall, or movies bring back my sweet little girls.

But I must get going now...before it's too late and the transformation begins...

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