Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Captain Jack Sparrow Saved The Day!

My Truly has become a very funny little girl. We have started a new bed time ritual. Lately, I've been spending a good chunk of my day, working, writing, and finishing up some school assignments. So I've been finding new ways to cherish our time together especially since she is the oldest and acknowledges that I havn't been spending a lot of time with her.

When it gets closer to bed time, instead of reading a book, we have been making up our own bed time stories. First I tell a story, then she does, then I go again, and this usually happens back and forth until one of us passes out. My stories usually involve a girl named Princess Truly and her stories usually involve animals and someone saving the day.

Last night though there was one recurring character in the stories she would make up. Mr. Captain Jack Sparrow himself. One story in particualr was about a big bad wolf. He chased Truly into the house and tried to blow her house down. The first time he couldn't do it because our house has bricks, that silly wolf. But then he blew again and her house blew down. So she ran to Captian Jack Sparrows house and he killed the wolf and Truly and Jack lived happily ever after.

And then she fell asleep before it was my turn to tell the story. I woke up in the middle of the night to see her smiling in her sleep.

Oh my silly little girl, I wonder what dreams you were having...


  1. I'm your newest follower! :)

  2. I love Truly. She's very creative. I'm sure she'll grow up to be a writer like her mom.


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