Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Meeting Their Needs

With Addy, Truly with her Auntie because they were fighting....

I never thought I'd find myself here with 2 kids. Never in my life did I imagine I would be the age that I am, doing what I love to do as a writer and a blogger, all while balancing two kids.

My new challenge lately is trying to meet the needs of two completely different personalities. My Truly is the typical 4 year old girl. I opted not to put her in preschool since I work from home. I have plenty of help with my family that if I ever need a break or need to run some errands. Once you start going to school, you're pretty much going to go to school for the rest of your life, so I'd rather postpone that as much as I can.

So with both of these girls, I'm constantly trying to find a way to make both of them happy. If one is hungry, one is tired. If one wants a toy, the other is already playing with it. If one girls wants to watch Barney, the other wants to watch Yo Gabba Yo Gabba. These girls are only 1 and 4.

Maybe I should invest in some juggling classes, or maybe military school? Do you know were the nearest circus or bootcamp is?.....

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