Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Awaiting The iPad 2

Currently, I am on of those tech nerds scouring every blog and twitter feed, awaiting the announcement of the iPad 2. I am a huge Apple fan, from computers, to iPods, every single iPhone, lover of iTunes, and everything else. One thing though that I was skeptical was the iPad. I thought it was super cool, but thought that it did everything my iPhone and Macbook did, and that it would be a waste of money.

That was before it got a bunch of cool upgrades like wireless printing. That was also before my mother waltzed in one day and showed me her new iPad.

I fell in love. She can not separate me from her iPad. I have to say the 3G option is also awesome. It's hard for me to do any work away from my home because of the need for internet. So anything I do outside of my WiFi connection is on my iPhone, and the screen can get fairly small. Paying for Internet on the go would also cost me another $50-$70 bucks. With the iPad though, 3G service is only $30, and everything is constantly synced with my iPhone and Macbook.

I'll be back...... If you need me, I will be stalking the page to pre-order an iPad!!

1 comment:

  1. wohooo

    it's always been my dream to have at least 1 gadget from apple. Its way to expensive here..still, I'm gonna have them in the future. Still wishing for the MacAir...ahax !

    Life Once Make It Worth


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