Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Morning Run of Wisdom

If you are like everyone else, you are trying to get fit and get healthy. If your not, you may not be from the same planet. Sorry, I just had to go ahead and put that out there.

I've been trying my best to get out of the house by 7am to go for a little morning run. I've even bought a new pair of Asics to aid me into getting my big butt out of the door. There's nothing like a $130 dent in your wallet on a pair of sneakers to make you want to use the hell out of them.

So I have successfully been able to get out of the house the past 2 mornings and have discovered a couple of things that have been completely eye opening:

1) The whole neighborhood is out running, jogging, and walking. I have never known that this was something that my neighbors actually did. I can't tell you how many times I put my hand up to say hi, nodded at another person jogging by me, or took out an ear phone to say "Hi, doing good" to some one asking me how I was. Mind boggling...

2) Birds are absolutely lovely. The sounds of all the different birds chipring, singing, and I swear I've heard so many different owls. I also live in an area that is in the hills, but I've never noticed how big they were, and all the wildlife that lived there.

3) Did you know after you exercise you are less irritated by your children?


1 comment:

  1. I have no children to be irritated by, but studying also works better after having an early start outside walking/running/jogging. Although I have to admit I'm new to the concept of jogging :D


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