Thursday, March 3, 2011

Doubting Yourself

I've always been a real doubter when it came to things I wasn't sure I had the right skills for. I've always thought that I could do well at anything I did, but successful? That was a different story.

In my past, when things are going well, I'm ecstatic of course. I dream big, create larger goals for myself, and imagine paradise. Then ... something bad happens, I hit a pothole, or have to take a step backwards. That is when I completely back pedal, and begin to doubt myself, and take almost 4500000 steps in the opposite directions.

I honestly think it was just because I was brought up that way. I've always had faith in myself, but when things got bad, I just assumed it was best to back away from the situation then risk something bad happen again. In essence, I learned from my mistakes, but my lesson learned was to just stop and never, ever do that again.

There have been a couple of times in my cleaning business where something happened, like a client didn't want my services any more, and that scared me. Scared me so much that I didn't want to clean houses anymore and refused to market my services. I backed away from my business for almost a year while I struggled to find something else I was good at. I then realized how much I loved my business, and how I shouldn't let something like that scare me off, but help me go forward.

There was a time more recently when an employee and I had a dispute and she ended up quitting. I was completely rattled and began questioning my choices of hiring, business practices, pretty much everything. I even came to the conclusion that I didn't want to do this anymore again and began going over ways to sell and get rid of the business. Then I realized, how could I let one person change the rest of my life. Instead of backing off, I need to attack my life, my business, my choices, more aggressively than ever.

I've learned (well I am still learning) how to just accept how awesome I am today, right now, and now that no matter what choices I make, I will just learn from my mistakes.

You need to just own who you are and be proud of your decisions. Doubting yourself has costed me a lot of time, and time that could have been very successful, very crazy, and filled with fun. Instead, I was alone and scared.

Let's vow together to just accept we are stars, just because we are.


  1. Hi Stepfanie

    This is a great post! It's true that self-doubt is just a big ol' waste of time. You've inspired me to attack my day now :-)


  2. Hi Su,

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Thanks Stephanie for the motivation! I am a STAR :)

    Stopping by from Lady bloggers tea party.


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