Monday, March 21, 2011

Sometimes You Forget How Lovely Life Is

I know, it sounds like a cheesy lyric from a cheesy 80's ballad. But we all love a little cheese now and then. Well minus the lactose intolerant people of course.

The last week was Spring Break for us here in Texas. What we usually do in our family is a mix up of things. We go visit all the museums, caverns, Zoo, wildlife ranch, and other things in our city. We honestly have such an abundance of things to do here it is a little ridiculous.

We also made the 3 hour trip to the beach on the weekend, but I'll save that for another post.

In the simplest terms possible, I'll say it: my kids stress me out. Sometimes, well most of the time, I stand there in just disbeleif that these little monsters are mine. I believe their main goal is to torment me and make me cry. They push me to my limits on purpose. The 9 month old spills her bottle, wide open, all over the carpet on purpose I tell ya, and the 3 year old, well she has permanent ear plugs and it's like I don't even exist when it comes to telling her what to do. My little monsters.

Then there are the moments, like the picture above. When you can actually see the twinkle in their eyes, when you possibly think their smiles can get any bigger, and then it does. The moment where they want nothing more than just to give you a hug, nothing more than just a big kiss.

There are those moments as a parent when one little good, one moment, overrides every disastrous, meltdown. Just one smile, and my children are perfect again. Just one smile and the morning of pulling my hair out, is completely erased.

Just one smile and... "Truly please share with your sister!!!!"


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