Thursday, September 6, 2012

#Blogalicious Countdown with @DoctorSmiths

I am so excited to announce my sponsor for the Blogalicious Weekend Blogging Conference

What I love most about the Dr. Smith's company is, not only have I used and loved their products for my children, but they are based right here in my city of San Antonio!

2 years ago, I started working with them on their team of Premium Parent bloggers. They gave us a tour of their factory, got to meet the wonderful team of leaders, had a wonderful catered lunch, and had a great kick off to the program. They definitely got it right when it came to working with bloggers, and we all know the horror stories of companies who get it totally wrong!

Shortly after that, I took a break from blogging due to my newborn and toddler being more than I could handle at the moment. I've kept up with their progress though, and following the fellow bloggers posts and ideas. Heloise from Hints with Heloise as a contributor to their blog.

When it came time for trying to find a sponsor for Blogalicious, my contacts Dr. Smiths, responded to a Facebook post I had put out, and was glad to work with me again! Not only am I grateful for this opportunity itself, but also the idea of partnering with a company and making connections for the long run. That is the exact quality people look for in people and in businesses.

So as someone who has changed many a diaper year after year, used all the different top brands of ointment, I've always found Dr. Smiths to heal, protect, and soothe the best.

I mean, who else has 5 stars on Amazon?!

What makes Dr. Smiths different?

  • A premium blend of ingredients
  • No unpleasant odor
  • Goes on like a cream. Protects like an ointment
  • Treats diaper rash fast
  • Easy to apply and wash off
Be sure to check out their website, and specifically their blog, where they features posts on parenting, cleaning, and more!

Stay on the lookout for more information about a giveaway too!

Stay updated with all that is going on with Dr. Smiths, by visiting there Facebook and Twitter pages. Be sure to introduce yourself, and say I sent you! They love meeting new people!

See you soon!!!

Dr. Smiths is sponsoring my trip to #Blogalicious this year as I will be speaking at this event. While they will cover my expenses and compensate me for my time working for them, all opinions are entirely my own.

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