Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hard Work Can Kind Of Teach You Something

"Soo, can we buy one of these?" - Truly

I've owned my residential cleaning services for almost 4 years now. I started when my daughter was born, and she will be 4 next month. Wow. Time flies doesn't it.

The reason why I started my business, honestly, was because I was too lazy. I was too lazy to get up when my boss wanted me in, too lazy to listen to someone barking at me, too lazy to even want to do anything.

Another reason is because I have always been very anti-social. I would avoid large group settings, would never go anywhere by myself, and pretty much preferred the company of music or movies to the risk of social awkwardness.

Having a business, I pretty much thought I could get around that. Work on my own terms, my own rules, and make an income how I wanted.

Boy was I wrong. Having a business has caused me to do the exact opposite. Not only can I not hide from the boss, but I am the boss. Which means that I must do everything. Gone are the days of slacking and laziness, and here are the days of sprinting, typing, feverishly working, and late nights of browsing.

And that whole anti-social thing. Oh yeah, that flew out the window as well. Not only could I not hide from my clients in person, but I was always e-mailing them, talking on the phone with them, or convincing people to go with my business.

The only thing that was different was that no one was telling me what to do. I knew what I had to do, and I did it. There was no other choice. Not a fitting room for me to hide in (yup, I sure did this a couple of times) and no one else to blame. If something went wrong it was all my fault. But... if something went right, well that was all me as well.

Owning my business has made me extremely confident and ready for anything.

Why do I write this now? Because it is almost 1:00AM and instead of snugging right in between my two little girls, I'm up, updating spreadsheets that will keep my business organized for next month. The old lazy me would have ha-ha-ed at the thought of not doing what I really wanted to do. But then again.... this is what I really want to do now.

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