Saturday, April 2, 2011

Death Of Our Dog

This week has been absolutely horrendous.

We have two little chihuahuas that we've had for the past 7 years or so. They've been our little "Fat Boys" excerpt from Alice in Wonderland.

Well on Tuesday we noticed our blond little fat boy, Mickey, was bleeding. We usually let them play outside for a couple of hours if everyone is too busy to take them out for a walk. They love it because our backyard has stairs so they'll run up and down for hours.

So we noticed he was bleeding and had two holes in him on one side, and one on the other side. I immediately thought they were BB gun wounds because our next door neighbors teens were spotted a couple of months ago pointing a BB gun into our backyard.

After washing him off we realized the wounds were way deeper, and we couldn't stop the bleeding. Our poor Mickey just sat there, definitely, and took the cleaning like a man. He didn't want to lay down, I felt his pride.

After taking him to emergency vet, the doctor told us they looked like dog bites, and that it has punctured his chest cavity, and went through his lungs. They immediately sedated him and he was in shock. The vet went over our options, put him through surgery, (open lung surgery) which would cost starting around $1800, then hospital stays for 2 weeks, another $1000, then rehab, etc. We were a little weary about spending that much money, but he has been our dog, we felt like we didn't have a choice.

Then the vet said he's only seen a handful of operations go successfully, or even make it through it.  Plus they aren't sure if they would be able to close the hole in his lungs so he'll always have a hard time breathing so, no running, etc. Or he may have a tube the rest of his life.

One of the recommendations, euthanize him. We knew that made the most sense. He was in total shock right now, he couldn't breathe, and surgery could kills him.

The same neighbors have 3 big mixed dogs, and we found a hole in the fence. So we can only guess that Mickey probably crawled under and got attacked.

Needless to say, Truly still thinks Mickey is at the vet. Every morning she asks if we are going to pick him up yet. I'm hoping one morning, she'll just stop asking....

RIP my fat boy Mickey


  1. My condolences on the loss of your sweet pet!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. :(
    Dropping by from the tea party...

  3. Ughhh! Sry for your loss! I lost my baby 4am today. Tyler my cat. He was 7.

    Visiting from the LBS Tea Party

  4. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so rough, because they become such a part of your life. I have Chi, too and just gave him an extra hug. Hang in there.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss.

  6. Oh honey! Just reading this now. So sorry, hugs sent your way <3


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