Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tech Tots Classes at The Microsoft Store

We have a great bloggers group in San Antonio that constantly keeps each other updated with events and different activities in out town. Christina from updated us about a Tech Tots Class at the new Microsoft Store at La Cantera Mall.

Every Tuesday and Friday, the store hosts Tech Tots Classes for children ages 2 -5. During class they learn how to use technology with their dancing fingers, sing songs, play games, and use the stores big touch screen to play games on the Kinect to interact with each other. Along with a snack time, they offer a fun hour of learning and interacting with each other and their parents.

While the children were a little hesitant in the beginning and not knowing what to expect in the first inaugural class in San Antonio, they soon opened up after dancing to Elmo.

My phone died as we walked into the store, but thankfully Randy the Community Development Specialist at The Microsoft Store was more than happy to snap some pictures for me and email them my way.

The Microsoft Store is definitely doing the right thing for their customers and their community by opening up their space and resources for the children. The kids had a blast and we will definitely be back  again to move to the music and learn about our dancing fingers on the keyboard!

Check out the full schedule of all the events at The Microsoft Store at La Cantera Mall.

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