Monday, April 1, 2013

#Cleanin30 - 30 Day Housecleaning Challenge

I love all of the challenges set up by, and this time, I actually want to give one a try! This month, they are doing a 30 Day Housecleaning Challenge. Everyday there will be a new task to help get your home perfect and in tip top shape!

I struggle with keeping the home perfect, working from home, and dealing with the kids. I always get a litte bit flustered going from task to task in the house, that when I look up, everything is a wreck and I've made no progress whatsoever.

While there is a new task everyday, I will try my best to do a new post everyday, if not every other day. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date with my progress using the hashtag #Cleanin30.


  1. Love this...! I love your blog and your blog posts...
    Congrats on the new baby..though I'm a little late!

    In keeping up with your house cleaning project - maybe you can stop by and link up your home organization blog post this month. Hop to it...and link up your home organization blog post now...! Hop will last through the whole month of April to give you time to tackle a drawer. the linen closet, the pantry...anything!!! Give it a shot and link up! Link up here:

  2. Thank you for participating in the Linky Home Organization Blog Hop.
    Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop of when the blog roundup will go live and come back and share the blog comment love to the others who’ve linked up. We all need a little love….:)


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