Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chore Chart Success!

A couple of days ago I started the 30 Day Cleaning Challenge to get the house in tip top shape. This is something I struggle with immensely. Mainly because 1) I'm pregnant, 2) I have a little army I created that tears up the house and 3) I really don't like cleaning.

So as I started this journey and clicking links on the wonderful Pinterest, I came across a gaggle of different chore charts that I thought were so adorable! These links then led me to more links (don't you hate when you just get distracted!) and got me to a couple of blogs where they were talking about their children's chores.

We never had "chores" growing up mainly because my grandmother lived with us our entire lives, so everything we did, we had grandma right behind us cleaning up. We knew how to be neat, but we never really had to.

I've had a ton of trouble implementing chores. Mainly because I feel like the kids are at school all day, I just want them to come home and relax, and I feel like since I am able to stay at home, I should be able to handle the housework too.

I will admit though that I had been feeling the stress lately with being pregnant and having to do everything in the house has been taking it's toll on me. What really got to me though was that yesterday, I noticed something. As I went back and forth in the house, making dinner, folding clothes, picking up toys, vacuuming, and continuing to clear toys in this endless rotation, I looked at my kids and it hit me. One was on the iPad for hours, watching silly YouTube videos about nothing, and the other two were just in constant bicker about Monster High dolls. Rarely in the day did I ever get to spend time with them, and at the end of the day I was exhausted and they looked, well, lazy. I felt embarrassed that my children wasted their time, and guilty for not teaching them responsibility.

I set out to Pinterest to fix it. And I came out with this:

*There's been a couple of more items added to their chores list ;)

I bought a pack of clipboards from Staples, tie tags, Velcro dots, and a poster board, and created the ultimate chore chart for the kids. I explained to them how it worked, what was expected, and how with them doing chores, it will give us more time together as we cover the whole house in less than half the time, and also work in their favor as if there Dad sees progress with the chores, will work with giving them allowances once a week. 

I also know that giving each child a chore chart is vital to do before we welcome child #4 to our household in August.

I also bought a ton more clipboards to hang in the children's rooms to display their favorite art works of the moments.

The kids really enjoyed doing their chores today and it made a HUGE difference in the house! We had plenty of time to spend with each other, and there was no confusion as to what needed to be done and when.

I will admit though that it was strange seeing my 5 year old wipe down the bathtub, but the smile on her face knowing that I was trusting her to do a job, but letting her mess up as well, melted my heart.

I really hope we are able to keep it up and will keep you posted on the progress!


  1. Those are neat charts you created. I just might have to do that for my boys so they can see what they have left to complete for the day.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Jennie! We've created many charts before, so we'll see how long this will last. Morning passed, and again they were excited to use the Velcro!


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