Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pink Throw Up, Yup, That's What I Want

We are looking forward to getting into a new house within the next month, and while we are trying to save up our pennies and dimes, the girls will be sharing a room. This means that we get to completely design a new room for them and I'm super excited!

Love this bed for the girls to share!

This would be more Truly's taste. Pink throw up is what we call it.

So here is where you come in. How in the world do you set up a room for a 4 year old and a 15 month old to share? Bunk beds or two twin beds? How about organizing clothes and toys? Any tips on utilizing space?


  1. I like the one with the Bunked Bed. The little one would sleep on the bottom. The 4 year old might get a kick out of being big enough for the top. stopping by from the tea party :-)

  2. I love that bunk bed!!! My two girls also share a room, as do my 2 boys. Each room has two twin beds and they've all chosen to just divide everything in half, including the closet and dresser. Each of my kiddies gets to decorate their half of the room anyway they want and each is responsible for keeping their side clean.

  3. Hi, I landed here from Lady Bloggers Social Tea Party. These inspiration photos are so pretty.

    One tip I could add is if you do twin beds you can get a long storage bin to slide under for toys.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. A new room is always fun. This summer we redid my son's room. He's heading to high school next week and we gave him a grown up look. We too had a super tight budget, but it came out great. I LOVE the bed in the first picture. We had something like that for awhile. They're great but they do kind of take up the whole room.

  5. When my boys were the ages of your girls we went with bunk beds. The cutest part was when they would share the bottom bed together! Eventually they took turns sleeping in the top and bottom bunk! Bunk beds are part of growing up! Stopping by from the Tea Party!


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