Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Morning Run of Wisdom

If you are like everyone else, you are trying to get fit and get healthy. If your not, you may not be from the same planet. Sorry, I just had to go ahead and put that out there.

I've been trying my best to get out of the house by 7am to go for a little morning run. I've even bought a new pair of Asics to aid me into getting my big butt out of the door. There's nothing like a $130 dent in your wallet on a pair of sneakers to make you want to use the hell out of them.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Picture Is Worth Several *ahem* Words

Just when you think you can hop in the shower really quick so you can get out of the house and run errands.... This happens.

Welcome to my life.....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hard Work Can Kind Of Teach You Something

"Soo, can we buy one of these?" - Truly

I've owned my residential cleaning services for almost 4 years now. I started when my daughter was born, and she will be 4 next month. Wow. Time flies doesn't it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sometimes You Forget How Lovely Life Is

I know, it sounds like a cheesy lyric from a cheesy 80's ballad. But we all love a little cheese now and then. Well minus the lactose intolerant people of course.

The last week was Spring Break for us here in Texas. What we usually do in our family is a mix up of things. We go visit all the museums, caverns, Zoo, wildlife ranch, and other things in our city. We honestly have such an abundance of things to do here it is a little ridiculous.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Catch Up Friday!

Happy Friday! I am so glad that this week is over with! This week was spring break for us here in Texas so my two younger sisters have been home, and we have been traveling across the town with my daughters. But boy, am I glad to be winding down.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Twilight Giveaway!

First of all, I want to say "Hi, and Thanks!" to all my new followers via the Lady Blogger Tea Party Social! I haven't had time to jump on the computer until this morning, so I plan on visiting every single blog that came by mine, and say Howdy. Because I am in Texas. And Texans say Howdy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Facts About This Blogger

1. When I was in middle school, I brought alcohol to school in a Powerade bottle. My mother was the school nurse at the time, and they put my three friends and I alcohol counseling for a month.

2. I found out I was pregnant my first week of college.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Doubting Yourself

I've always been a real doubter when it came to things I wasn't sure I had the right skills for. I've always thought that I could do well at anything I did, but successful? That was a different story.

In my past, when things are going well, I'm ecstatic of course. I dream big, create larger goals for myself, and imagine paradise. Then ... something bad happens, I hit a pothole, or have to take a step backwards. That is when I completely back pedal, and begin to doubt myself, and take almost 4500000 steps in the opposite directions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Awaiting The iPad 2

Currently, I am on of those tech nerds scouring every blog and twitter feed, awaiting the announcement of the iPad 2. I am a huge Apple fan, from computers, to iPods, every single iPhone, lover of iTunes, and everything else. One thing though that I was skeptical was the iPad. I thought it was super cool, but thought that it did everything my iPhone and Macbook did, and that it would be a waste of money.

That was before it got a bunch of cool upgrades like wireless printing. That was also before my mother waltzed in one day and showed me her new iPad.

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