Saturday, September 17, 2011

Teenage Years Don't Scare Me

Outside Katy Perry Concert

Requests to my 4 year old, to the future teenager that awaits me

Dear Truly,

If this is the attitude that I get now, I do not look forward to our teenage years together.

Plus, I'm pretty sure you will be taller than me.

And then you remind me that you are a sweet, precious little girl, who loves and appreciates me so much!

The Katy Perry Concert Stage

Even though everyone warns me about your teenage years, I know that our teenage years together will only be as horrible and stressful as I allow. 

This was our first big concert, out of many to come, going together.


  1. Super cute!! Stopping by from Lady Bloggers tea party!

  2. She is adorable! And I like your stance about the teenage years. Looks like you girls have a lot of fun together. :)

  3. From the Lady Bloggers Tea Party. She is a doll! Lovely blog.

  4. Awwww, she looks so cute in that last pic :) Looks like you girls had a great time together!


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