Friday, September 2, 2011

September Goals

It is finally September. I feel as if August literally kept dragging on and September would never get here! I guess for me it's because there are a lot of things happening in September, from the Katy Perry Concert I am going to go to with my sisters and Truly, to us moving into our new house on the 15th. We have so much to prepare for, so many things to buy, and so many different things to make sure that will go smoothly.

Being it's the beginning of the month, I thought I'd try writing down some goals I'd like to accomplish this month. This way, I have something to keep me accountable for all my actions of the month.

September Goals
  • Practice patience with the children
  • Make an additional $200 a week 
  • Save money this month for Christmas gifts
  • Get Truly to write A-Z and know how each one sounds, start reading small words
  • Get at least 2 articles published (and paid for)
  • Write at least 3 guest posts for other sites
  • Lose 10 more lbs.
I think that should do it!

Plus, my favorite song of September

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