Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If Everything I Owned Were Gone

Yesterday afternoon, my city fell into some turmoil. Wildfires filled an area of our city and I watched (and read via twitter) about evacuations and families staying at friends' homes. I always hear on the new about hurricanes and earthquakes and wildfires happening in other states, but having this hit just 10 miles away shook me a little bit.

Hearing about people whose homes were burning, all I could do was look around my home and think, "Man, If all this stuff burned up, that would really be awful!" I mean, I'd be more than overjoyed that my family was safe and that our love and compassion for one another could never be hurt, but it still pains me to think about all of this stuff that I worked so hard to buy, would just be burning away during one afternoon.

It's not that I have nice things either, or that my children are spoiled, (they are though) but just looking back on all of the nights spent blogging and writing, working with deadlines, and stressing out about how to pay this and that. To have all of that hard work just disintegrate would probably break me.

So I started thinking, why would I work so hard for something that I can't take with me, something that can just be taken away in an instant? What is the point in busting my ass day and night for something that can break, be stolen, or burned?

What can't be taken away from me, are memories. Instead of investing my money in something that can be taken away from me, I should invest it into memories, time with my children, annual museum passes, trips to Disney twice a year, long summer days, and even longer nights.

Because, really, what else is there? 

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