Friday, September 30, 2011

Facebook, It's Been Fun, But Maybe I'm Done

I was one of those users who got started on Facebook when it was strictly for college kids. You had to have a .edu e-mail address to sign up, and it was one of those places where it was just fun to hang around and wasn't as cluttering and dumb downed as Myspace.

Now that everyone and their moms have Facebook, especially my mom, she's all over Facebook commenting, posting, tagging..... a little frustrating....

I've been on Facebook for so long and have been on it recently just checking out some stuff, when I realized...... This is just a tad bit silly. I mean, who wants to know that you're stressed out at the grocery store, or that your so happy/angry/frustrated/elated about your husband. Does anyone really care where I am checking in at or that I'm feeling sleepy at the moment?? I didn't think so.

Being a blogger and working with social media with businesses, I definitely see the use for it for businesses and brands. It fills the gap and let's customers have a closer relationship to businesses then they didn't have before.

For personal use though, I'm starting to find Facebook a little, annoying. I love Twitter though still, because I am still able to upload cute pictures and network with professional people at the same while still keeping it personal.

I'd rather have a relative call me or text me versus than write on my personal Facebook Page.

I am liking Google+ though, but that could also just be because it's new and limited just like how Facebook was.

Of course though, I'll never be able to get rid of my personal Facebook account, as long as my mother keeps tagging me in all of her pictures....

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