Monday, April 30, 2012

Business Owners Can't Own Homes

My husband and I are in a sticky situation when it comes to home ownership. Currently we are renting a house, but our lease it up in September, and from what we understand, the owners are wanting to move back in. So that leaves us, well out. In a couple of months.

We could obviously go find another home to rent, but that means having to wait until about July/August to look and lease another house or apartment. With school starting again in late August, we need to make sure we are settled before then.

Something we rarely think about is the thought of owning our own home. Well I suppose we think about it often, but never bring it up due to the fear of it never happening. There are a couple of roadblocks that come in our way.

1) We are both self employed

My husband owns his own business and I own mine working online. This can be tricky for any mortgage company to authorize us risky business owners any type of loan over $40. Especially when they want years worth of records.

2) I change my mind, like that (snaps fingers)

Ever since I was 16, I've had a new car every year. That's just how it's always been with my uncle being the manager of a car dealership. Instead of fixing a car, getting new tires, blah blah, my mom would be like, "Let's trade it in." Same thing with our living arrangements. I love not being tied down to one thing because I love to change my mind. Plus, the thought of owning a home and having to take the full responsibility for things breaking, termites, etc, that's extremely scary to me.

Most importantly though, we would be first time home buyers, who are self-employed, so getting on the right track is something we need to do if we want to make it happen, but we need help from the right people.

I've heard lots of good things from working with realtors that are recommended by Dave Ramsey on his site, so I ended up filling out a form and getting in touch with a few of them. One particular was extremely understanding of our situation, gave us a number to a mortgage lender, and would love to help us.

Our next plan of action is figuring out what we can get approved for, or figuring out what steps we need to take to make home ownership a realty.

Wish us luck!!

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