Friday, July 1, 2011

What Did I Get Myself Into

Yes, right there in the middle is my 4 year old with a wooden bo at her Karate class. I don't know why anyone would give my daughter a weapon that resembles so many things in our household, but there's no turning back now.

Excuse me while I bubble wrap my china, lamps, and the 1 year old.

As well as dust off that time out chair in the corner.


  1. Hi Stepfanie. I hope your little karate kid will keep her Unagi and household will stay in one piece. Have a good weekend. Far and away from Lady Bloggers.

  2. I am looking forward to putting my boys in martial arts, but will be replacing all existing posessions with items made by playskool

  3. you are braver than I am! I have yet to give in the karate, I don't need anyone to TEACH my kids how to use weapons! Stopping by from LBS!

  4. Stopping by from Lady Bloggers! What a charming blog you have. Soon it will be the blog that EVERYONE knows about!

  5. Just be glad she isn't like I was as a child doing flips on the back of the couch because of gymnastics class!

    Glad to have found this blog from Lady Bloggers!


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