Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Private School Debacle, WWYD?

There isn't much going on lately. I've just been trying to find my rhythm and deciding on what to do next. I've been doing some extensive research on how to go about creating another Social Online Conference. I've also been looking into schools for Truly, as she starts Kindergarten next fall. She will be going to private school and a have about a year to figure out how I could possibly afford that.

It's not only the cute little uniforms that appeal to me (but aren't they!). I am fully aware that it is the family who influences the child the most, but a place where she has to go, everyday for the next 13 years, for 8 hours a day, will not be a public school if I have a choice.

Public schools have changed immensely since I was in school. I personally feel like the government does not see education in the public school system as a priority. They have fired amazing teachers left and right and cut down on school programs that enriched childrens' days.

I also am a christian. Now, I'm not going to go parading down the street and try to convert people left and right. I know what I believe in, and if you'd like to hear about it, I'd be more than happy to tell you. If not, I'll still be your best friend. That being said, my closest friend is Muslim, and I think the gay community is awesome. I feel this way because of my upbringing in the christian faith and my security in what I believe in. I think that that kind of security in your own beliefs is being lost in public schools. They are being taught to frown upon religion so early in their lives, that there is no religious foundation whatsoever. No matter what kind of religion. Everyone knows that this country was founded "under God", so why try and take that out of the Pledge and change history?

That being said, I want my daughter to go to a christian private school. Not a catholic private school. I am not catholic, and boy does it confuse me :) But again, I'm open.

I want my daughter to be confident in her religion first and formost, then she can make whatever decisions she wants in life.

It's also not just the religious aspect that appeals to me, but the programs as well. They take time to develop your child's educational skills. Music, Art, Sports, Literature, Math, not one aspect is sacrificed for another.

That being said, what are your thoughts on private schools?

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