Monday, July 25, 2011

Bottles Are For Babies

This is what I've been trying to tell my youngest lately. "Bottles are for babies, you're a big girl"

Addy is 14 months old. She was a formula baby. Truly was a boobie baby. Both are perfect. I didn't feel "closer" to my breast fed baby than with my formula baby. I also don't think they felt, smelled, or looked any different either as most people say. As far as the breast fed baby being healthier, I've taken Truly to the doctor plenty more times than Addy when she was that age.

The only difference was Truly was a boobie baby for quite some time. Not to feed her of course, but to comfort as most moms say. She weaned herself because I got pregnant and she eventually just didn't want the hassle of getting around mommys belly.

Addy though, she's a different story. I've been working the last month getting her off the bottle. Just like Truly, she doesn't use her bottle when she's hungry, but just to comfort her. Addy is also a blankie baby and thumb sucker baby. She's always found ways to comfort herself when she got upset or someone upset her.

I've tried hiding her bottles and hiding her formula. She will settle for juice in her sippy cup, or some rice milk in her cup, but in her bottle, she specifically wants formula.

Like I said though, I've hid them in her baby bag that we never use anymore.

This morning, I round the corner and see this:

My 14 month old went into her baby bag and attempted to make her very own bottle. She sat there for about 10 minutes opening her bottle, then the water bottle, then the formula can.

She was so tired as it was time for her nap, but she wouldn't give up. This continued for another 15 minutes. She was determined.

I gave in, made her a bottle, and put her down for her nap. That persistance and hard work deserved a happy ending.


  1. I love that you gave in and gave her the bottle. I would have done the same thing. Your little girl is perfect. I am your newest follower. Blessings, Martha

  2. Hi Martha! Thank you for being my newest follower! I'm honored.


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