Friday, March 1, 2013

Reminding All Mothers: Take Care of You!

Today I am 15 weeks and 1 day pregnant. While I'm past the morning sickness, my belly is starting to come in and have had a couple of complications. Nothing major, the baby is healthy, but just having to take extra care of myself is what is on my plate lately. Come to think of it, in the past 6 years of being a mom, my time is always spent making sure these kids are ok, healthy, and taken care of. Rarely, if ever, do I stop to think to take care of myself.

I forget that I am person to and having time for myself, time to recoup, and taking a time out to give my body a break, is something that needs to be on my to-do list. It is something that needs to be engraved in my mind.

Overall, while this pregnancy was a surprise, I have had time to reflect that maybe God wanted this pregnancy to remind myself that I need to be a priority too. I've found myself in complete overload the past year, and have been to the point of breaking and tipping over the rim. With the complications of this pregnancy, which have a lot to do with the stress I put on my body and mind, I have to completely avoid that if I want to continue with a healthy pregnancy.

It's strange the cards you are dealt and the timing of that hand.

taking care of you, mothers,

Saying No

It's something we hear all the time, but seldom to we have the heart to say the word "no." People fear that they might sound offensive or dismissive, when really, people are more understanding that time is very important to you. At the beginning of the year, I was at my daughter elementary school so often, my volunteer badge was waiting for me at the door by the time I walked in. Now I know that I don't have to be there every week for my daughter to know she is important to me. I do pitch in, but not as often as I used to as I've found more time for myself in those several hours of the day.


In school I would read so much. I enjoyed libraries, book stores, and the smell of each page when you turned to the next. As a mother, I easily lost my love for books. Between adoring baby toys and burning macaroni and cheese, at the end of the day, I knocked out easily. Recently, I've been giving my daughter that stay at home with me, alone time for herself. Whether it's working on a project, coloring a page for me, or while she is eating, I will grab my iPhone and read a book on the couch or on my bed. Although I love the smell of books, I love having the Kindle app or iBooks app on my phone that allows me to read anywhere and anywhere without cramping my arm. Reading has been a nice way to slow myself down and escape into another world for half an hour. I usually fine myself getting the kids to bed on time, so I can finish a book. I've also found that after I have finished a book, I look up and really see the wonder and love in the world around me, especially in my family.

Splurge on Making Yourself Pretty

There is nothing better in the world that a brand new pedicure. You feel like you have to walk around the mall for an extra hour just to show off those puppies. While my finances could never afford indulging myself more than once a month, it's always a great thing to let someone pamper you. Whether it's a manicure, pedicure, new haircut or color, massage, or wardrobe. Doing something that makes you feel just a tad more glamorous than yo already are, is a great way to remind yourself that you are woman, and you can conquer the world.

Extra Tips

  • Get some new candles or plug ins and scatter them around the house. My mood dramatically changed once I lit a couple of lavender candles in the living room while the kids were in school. I sat and enjoyed the space for once.
  • Eat lunch with a friend once a week. Whether it's out or just making lunch yourself. Connections keep your spirit going.
  • Getting plenty of sleep does wonder for your eyes and your soul. Getting in an extra nap doesn't hurt either.
  • Asking for help. If it was not for my mother and my sister, who keep me balanced, I would have jumped this ship years ago.
How do you take care of yourself? I would love to hear your tips!

1 comment:

  1. I am working, working, working hard at learning to say no. And sometimes, I just completely lose myself in an episode of Big Bang Theory as my therapy. And you're right about sleep. It does a body good. Great post, Stepfanie!


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