Wednesday, September 5, 2012

3 Ways to Own Breastfeeding {The Luvs Commercial}

I breastfed Truly until she was a little over 2 years old. It was more of a comfort thing for her, and since we were also co-sleeping, she kind of just "did it" on her own. She only stopped because I became pregnant, and well, she just stopped!

Addy, I bottle fed. I was on the fence with the decision, but it was something my husband really wanted to do, as he missed out on the bonding time with feeding Truly. I'll admit, I got A LOT more sleep, mommy time, and more time with the other kids, since more people were able to pitch in and spend time with the baby.

Either way, when I stumbled upon the Luvs commercial on Mean Baby's writer's facebook, I thought it was the coolest thing! What I found funny was how they compared a "First Kid" mom to a "Second Kid" mom.

The "First Mom" is nervous, hiding behind a tree, and struggling with her cover up. The "Second Mom" oozed confidence, jokes with the waiter, and nonchalantly sits at the table to feed her baby.

While I was both at times, either feeding my daughter in a fitting room, or at the playground, I can soo relate.

So are you a breastfeeding mom who needs a little more "Second Mom" in ya?:

1. Do What Makes You {And Your Baby} Comfortable

If you want to hide in a fitting room like how I did because you enjoy the privacy with your child, then do it! No one says you have to be bold, you just need to be comfortable. If you don't feel like you need to go to the bathroom to feed you child and you want to sit at the park and enjoy the sunlight while watching your 5 year old use the slide? Then whip that bad boy out and feed your baby!

2. Have A Sense Of Humour

People are going to say something, and that is okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just like you are. While breastfeeding is perfectly natural and may make other people uncomfortable, the best thing you can do is smile, make a joke about it, and love the decisions you have made for you and your child. Why say something negative or let their misunderstanding cloud your day? Exactly. Humour always wins.

3. Clear Your Mind, And De-Stress

Try not to let worry take over your life, in any situation. Worry should definitely have no place in your mind especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Feeding your child is a great way to bond with your child, but why do it if all you are going to do is worry about what the person beside you is going to think. Clear your mind, and focus on what is important. Then you will see your confidence shine through and realize that nothing else around you even matters.

I'm not one of those crazy BREAST ONLY mothers, obviously I did both, but the message that this commercial gives is a great reminder for breastfeeding moms to stand their ground, and take the negativity with a grain of salt.

1 comment:

  1. Breastfeeding is an important element in the life of a newborn and his/her mother. Aside from satisfying the baby's hunger, it performs other critical functions such as enhancing the newborn's immunity, creating a bond between mother and her child, helping the new mother shed extra pounds gained during pregnancy and bringing her body back to the normal pre-pregnancy state.


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