1. What are the three actions associated with creativity do you have the most trouble with?
(1. Imagine 2. Capture 3. Execute)
I think I have the most trouble with capturing. I always have a lot of ideas running through my head. Whether they are business ideas or ideas for blog posts, I always forget to write them down or store them so I can access them later.
2. What are the distractions in your life you need to make war with?
There are plenty of distractions that need to be dealt with in my life, but my biggest one would have to be the television. While I've worked on recording my favorite shows and focusing more on what I need to do, I still am addicted to watching reality television :-/
3. Name three repeatable tasks and what energy level each requires for you to really execute.
Checking email = low energy
Writing blog posts = high energy
Doing research = medium energy
4. What do you currently use for your capture system?
Before, I used nothing. Sometimes scraps of papers or sending an email to myself to remind me. The past couple days though I have been using Evernote. I can keep a notebook on my Evernote account strictly for Creative Ideas to capture these moments.
5. Have you ever self-edited, deeming an idea bad before it even made it from your head onto paper or a laptop?
I frequently do this, with everything from blog posts, blog ideas, or business ideas. I think taking the time to see it visually, either on the computer screen or on a piece of paper, may help make my ideas more real and better suited to be edited.
6. What is the biggest takeaway you will take from the discussion today?
The biggest takeaway I have was that when approaching family and friends about my goals or a dream I have, to give them the grace to not understand my dreams. They don't have to love my dreams, otherwise, they would be their dreams. I have the bad habit of when someone turns down my idea or calls it silly, to agree with them and turn it down too. What I need to do is not take offense when someone turns down an idea that I love. They don't have to love it, but what I need to do is show them that it can work and I can make it happen successfully.
7. Do you currently have any quiet thinking time in your week right now?
Now I do. I've created a "lenient" blogging schedule, and set time to just be quiet, read, do research, and be creative, for whatever hits me in that moment.
What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to creativity and blogging?