Friday, March 22, 2013

3 Stages of Every Awesome Idea, MY Resolution

I have had such a great time at Blissdom this year, and I still have one day left of the conference. While the other attendees head on out for their Girls Night Out, I decided to relax in the hotel room and update my blog on something I've learned so far. In between mingling and meeting a ton of great people at the Dr. Smiths Booth, I've been able to attend some great workshops. Scott Straten of @unmarketing killed it at the Keynote, but I wanted to talk about little about what I learned from Jon Acuff. What I really liked about his workshop on The 3 Stages of Every Awesome Idea, was the fact that creativity is a huge process when it comes to writing. We received a worksheet to answer some questions in our free time, but I thought I'd answer them here on my blog. This was not only hold me accountable in public  but I'd hope I can offer some inspiration to other bloggers who are looking for some more ways to involve creativity into their time.

1. What are the three actions associated with creativity do you have the most trouble with?
(1. Imagine 2. Capture 3. Execute)
I think I have the most trouble with capturing. I always have a lot of ideas running through my head. Whether they are business ideas or ideas for blog posts, I always forget to write them down or store them so I can access them later.

2. What are the distractions in your life you need to make war with?
There are plenty of distractions that need to be dealt with in my life, but my biggest one would have to be the television. While I've worked on recording my favorite shows and focusing more on what I need to do, I still am addicted to watching reality television :-/

3. Name three repeatable tasks and what energy level each requires for you to really execute.
Checking email = low energy
Writing blog posts = high energy
Doing research = medium energy

4. What do you currently use for your capture system?
Before, I used nothing. Sometimes scraps of papers or sending an email to myself to remind me. The past couple days though I have been using Evernote. I can keep a notebook on my Evernote account strictly for Creative Ideas to capture these moments.

5. Have you ever self-edited, deeming an idea bad before it even made it from your head onto paper or a laptop?
I frequently do this, with everything from blog posts, blog ideas, or business ideas. I think taking the time to see it visually, either on the computer screen or on a piece of paper, may help make my ideas more real and better suited to be edited.

6. What is the biggest takeaway you will take from the discussion today?
The biggest takeaway I have was that when approaching family and friends about my goals or a dream I have, to give them the grace to not understand my dreams. They don't have to love my dreams, otherwise, they would be their dreams. I have the bad habit of when someone turns down my idea or calls it silly, to agree with them and turn it down too. What I need to do is not take offense when someone turns down an idea that I love. They don't have to love it, but what I need to do is show them that it can work and I can make it happen successfully.

7. Do you currently have any quiet thinking time in your week right now?
Now I do. I've created a "lenient" blogging schedule, and set time to just be quiet, read, do research, and be creative, for whatever hits me in that moment.

What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to creativity and blogging?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blissdom '13 with @DoctorSmiths

I am a couple of hours from heading to the airport to make my way to Dallas for Blissdom 2013! I'm so excited to be going courtesy of Dr. Smiths Diaper Ointment and to represent them as they are one of the sponsors of Blissdom!

As a Premium Parent, I am able to contribute to the amazing Dr. Smiths Community that helps parents figure out what kind of parent they want to be.

If you will be at Blissdom, be sure to swing by the Dr. Smiths Booth to say Hi, take some pictures, and tweet together!

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for all my updates throughout the conference!

Also, be sure to check out Dr. Smiths on their social media channels!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just Between Friends Consignment Sale in Boerne TX

One of the biggest challenge when it comes to raising children is the never ending of costs of replacing items of growing children. From clothes, to toys, it seems like these kids only use an item for a week, and then they outgrow it or tear a hole through their jeans. I swear, I have no idea what Truly is doing in kindergarten that causes her to rip a hole in the knee every single day. I'm pretty sure you have feet to walk on woman!

That's why I am excited that the Just Between Friends Consignment Sales Event is setting up in Boerne TX for a weekend of buying and selling. It's a great place to bring your gently used baby, children, maternity, and anything baby related to bring and sell. It's also an even better place to buy items up to 90% off retail!

This event will also give 100% of it's admission proceeds to the Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries to help local families.

Check out for more information on selling and about the event.

I'll definitely be there getting rid of things and stocking up on other items for the new baby.

Be sure to like Just Between Friends on Facebook and check them out on Twitter.

I am receiving free passes to attend this event all opinions and thoughts are my own

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The New @MicrosoftStore Open in #SATX

Today the new Microsoft Store opens at the Shops at La Cantera! I had the pleasure of previewing the store with other San Antonio Bloggers and was truly impressed with everything I saw.

I'll give my full disclosure and state that I am 100% an Apple fan. From iPhones to Macbook Pros to iPads, we are fully equipped. After previewing the store and checking out the capabilities of all their products, I am proud to say I may be a little foolish putting all my trust (and money) into the products of Apple, and being so close minded to what other products can do for me.

We got to see all of Windows 8 great features on their 106' touchscreen, which is available in their theater room for groups of people to use, free of charge!

The store has a beautiful layout with lots of products to touch and play with. They have 100 LED screens across the room that broadcasts different images and displays to catch your attention and keep you mystified.

We also got to meet the Chairman of Microsoft, Orlando Ayala, who was also equally inspiring. 

It's great to hear about all the great things the Microsoft Company is doing for the San Antonio community  from giving 1.5 million dollars to the YMCA, Junior Achievement, and Wounded Warrior, opening it's space for community events, and volunteering their time throughout San Antonio.

Be sure to check out the Microsoft Store at the Shops at La Cantera and be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

I was invited to a sneak preview tour of the store and all opinions and thoughts are my own.

Monday, March 4, 2013

3 Ingredient Asian Chicken Masterpiece | Go To Recipe

I don't cook. Wow, that feels like some sort of Deja Vu. It is. Big Time. The truth of the matter is, I don't cook. I can get creative when I feel like it, and I've never followed a recipe incorrectly, (not like my sister who once used 2 cups of salt instead of sugar), but I just don't particularly love to cook.

When my family needs me to though, I'm on it.

My go to recipe is always chicken. It's super easy, few ingredients, throw it in the oven, and Ta-Da, a lovely meal with rice.

I am half filipino, so I grew up with eating rice with everything. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner came with a plate of rice. When I usually make dinner, I always have rice too.

This recipe though, is specifically Truly's favorite. We all love chinese food, but Truly loves Filipino food the best. My 3 Ingredient Asian Chicken Masterpiece is really just a simple version of Filipino Adobo, minus the frying, hours of cooking, more ingredients, etc.

6-8 Chicken Thighs (we get the thighs because they are cheaper, but still fills up the whole family. Get whatever pieces are your favorite)

  • 2 Cups of Soysauce (or low sodium soy sauce)
  • 4 -5 Garlic Cloves (crush them and mix it with the soy sauce)
  • Pepper (add to your flavor)

And there are your 3 ingredients!

You can do this a number of ways. Marinate the chicken for a couple of hours with this soy sauce and crushed garlic cloves concotion, or place the chicken in an oven safe pan, pour the ingredients over, and stuff it in the oven.

When it's in the oven, I also go over it some with Olive Oil to keep the texture crisp once or twice.

My verbage when it comes to cooking is horribly off.

I usually set it at about 375F for 40-45 minutes.

Serve with rice and your favorite stir fry of veggies!

This is a super easy recipe that I turn to when the kids are wanting me to act like a real mom!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Reminding All Mothers: Take Care of You!

Today I am 15 weeks and 1 day pregnant. While I'm past the morning sickness, my belly is starting to come in and have had a couple of complications. Nothing major, the baby is healthy, but just having to take extra care of myself is what is on my plate lately. Come to think of it, in the past 6 years of being a mom, my time is always spent making sure these kids are ok, healthy, and taken care of. Rarely, if ever, do I stop to think to take care of myself.

I forget that I am person to and having time for myself, time to recoup, and taking a time out to give my body a break, is something that needs to be on my to-do list. It is something that needs to be engraved in my mind.

Overall, while this pregnancy was a surprise, I have had time to reflect that maybe God wanted this pregnancy to remind myself that I need to be a priority too. I've found myself in complete overload the past year, and have been to the point of breaking and tipping over the rim. With the complications of this pregnancy, which have a lot to do with the stress I put on my body and mind, I have to completely avoid that if I want to continue with a healthy pregnancy.

It's strange the cards you are dealt and the timing of that hand.

taking care of you, mothers,

Saying No

It's something we hear all the time, but seldom to we have the heart to say the word "no." People fear that they might sound offensive or dismissive, when really, people are more understanding that time is very important to you. At the beginning of the year, I was at my daughter elementary school so often, my volunteer badge was waiting for me at the door by the time I walked in. Now I know that I don't have to be there every week for my daughter to know she is important to me. I do pitch in, but not as often as I used to as I've found more time for myself in those several hours of the day.


In school I would read so much. I enjoyed libraries, book stores, and the smell of each page when you turned to the next. As a mother, I easily lost my love for books. Between adoring baby toys and burning macaroni and cheese, at the end of the day, I knocked out easily. Recently, I've been giving my daughter that stay at home with me, alone time for herself. Whether it's working on a project, coloring a page for me, or while she is eating, I will grab my iPhone and read a book on the couch or on my bed. Although I love the smell of books, I love having the Kindle app or iBooks app on my phone that allows me to read anywhere and anywhere without cramping my arm. Reading has been a nice way to slow myself down and escape into another world for half an hour. I usually fine myself getting the kids to bed on time, so I can finish a book. I've also found that after I have finished a book, I look up and really see the wonder and love in the world around me, especially in my family.

Splurge on Making Yourself Pretty

There is nothing better in the world that a brand new pedicure. You feel like you have to walk around the mall for an extra hour just to show off those puppies. While my finances could never afford indulging myself more than once a month, it's always a great thing to let someone pamper you. Whether it's a manicure, pedicure, new haircut or color, massage, or wardrobe. Doing something that makes you feel just a tad more glamorous than yo already are, is a great way to remind yourself that you are woman, and you can conquer the world.

Extra Tips

  • Get some new candles or plug ins and scatter them around the house. My mood dramatically changed once I lit a couple of lavender candles in the living room while the kids were in school. I sat and enjoyed the space for once.
  • Eat lunch with a friend once a week. Whether it's out or just making lunch yourself. Connections keep your spirit going.
  • Getting plenty of sleep does wonder for your eyes and your soul. Getting in an extra nap doesn't hurt either.
  • Asking for help. If it was not for my mother and my sister, who keep me balanced, I would have jumped this ship years ago.
How do you take care of yourself? I would love to hear your tips!

{#SanAntonio Local Event} Super WHY! Live @ The Majestic Theatre

Do your kids love Super WHY?

Super WHY Live will stop in 27 cities across the U.S. in April and May, taking kids and parents on a live reading adventure traveling inside a book to find the answer to the question, "Who has the Greatest Super Power in the World?" The show is uplifting, entertaining, and educational. It features kids' favorite literacy-powered super heroes: Alpha Pig with "Alphabet Power," Wonder Red with "Word Power," Princess Presto with "Spelling Power," Super Why with the "Power to Read," and their puppy pal Woofster. Fans who want to sing along at the show can get a head start learning the music, as the soundtrack album, Super WHY Live: You've Got the Power Soundtrack from Razor & Tie is available now at iTunes,, and retailers nationwide. For an extra special experience, You've Got the Power! Party Packages offer premium seats and a meet & greet with your favorite characters after the show.

Super WHY! Live Tour is coming to San Antonio Get Your Tickets Today!

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