Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Puppies Suck Your Creative Time

I love my daughter's dog. I really do. Or at least I'm trying to convince myself I really do. Truth is, she is a lot of work. Princess is an adorable malti-poo puppy Truly got as an early birthday present, and since we already have a lab Matthew, we though "Eh, no big deal, it won't be that hard."

Little did I knew this little "Princess" was about to disrupt my whole life. Training our lab was pretty easy, he takes direction well, and has been very easy to love and work with. Princess on the other end is like a puppy that can't be tamed. I have never seen a dog poop or pee on itself so much in my entire life.

With her small bladder, we have been taking her outside to do her business more frequently than Matthew, timing when she eats and drinks, and limiting her food and water to certain times to make sure she has plenty of time to make her business outside.

Re-arranging my schedule for the "Princess."

But does that help? Nope. We have had different crates, puppy pads, we've used everything. If you turn around for one second, this little girl has completely doused herself in her urine and fecal matter.

Sounds gross? It is. Very very gross.

Especially this morning when I got up early to try and get some writing done for a novel and products I'm working on. I turned the corner and the smell of poop hit me. I was shaking in my PJ's scared to see the horrific site that was Princess' cage, and sure enough, there she was, the little shit girl, covered from head to toe in poo. After yelling on the phone with my husband who swears up and down he took her outside where she did her business before he left to work, I attempted to look for the gloves.

An hour as passed before I've got her clean and her cage cleaned. Another hour has passed as I finally clean the place her cage was in the house, the poopy footprints she left behind, and mopped the floor where we walked by. One more hour goes to cleaning her cage again after she peed on herself.

3 hours gone.

Writing time gone.

And all I've got left to show for it is the lovely blog post and a grumbling stomach as breakfast has come and gone.

But darn it is she cute or what.... :-/

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little dog! My son has been begging for a puppy but I know most of the responsibility is going to be on me!


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