Friday, May 11, 2012

So Time Magazine Got Me Thinking......

Everyone in the blogging world knows about the Time Magazine cover that is sparking a little bit of controversy right now. 1) Because, WOO HOO, a mommy blogger got on the cover of Time, and 2) Because her toddler son is suckling on her boob.

I just want to note that If I looked as hot as this mom, I would have done this too!

I mean, cmon!

Seriously though, there are many thoughts of did this go too far, or is it about time?

I breastfed Truly when she was a baby, because it was the right thing to do. Even though I was in college, I wasn't too busy, and from everything I had learned, breastfeeding was the way to feed your children. I was honestly very brazen about it. If my daughter was crying, I simply popped open my boob, placed a napkin or my hand over any areas that were exposed, and fed my daughter.

I never really thought about who was around me, I honestly didn't care. I wasn't trying to shove it into anyone's face, or tell the world "Hey look at me!" I was simply feeding my daughter and that was what my focus was on.

When Truly was 2 years old, she was still breastfeeding. I didn't really think about her age, it's just something we did. She was still my baby. This is when I became pregnant with our second daughter. I've heard that when you are pregnant your hormones in the milk change and sometimes kids stop breastfeeding. That's what happened. I was 3 months pregnant I believe, and poof, Truly was done.

If she wanted to continue, I probably would have let her. I think what would have happened though, is that she would have lost interest before 3.  She was busy doing too many things, and only nursed occasionally at night when she would sleep with me. The times she would nurse, she would want to play, draw, or try new foods.

I think breastfeeding into the toddler years is a great thing, although personally for me, I would grow so tired of being pulled at and having my boob stretched beyond capacity.

I also wanted to add that Addy was formula fed. I was 50/50 on this decision. I wasn't sure if I wanted to, but I remembered the hours of non-stop pulling on me. Although, I still felt it was the right thing to do. I felt that if I didn't breastfeed, also that I wouldn't be as close to my second child. My husband though, felt very left out during some of the most important bonding times. While he never said anything to me before, he wanted to have that time with our child, and wanted to help me.

I was also very surprised with Similac. It didn't smell bad, and claimed to be "Closer Than Ever To Breast milk." I'm not stupid though :)

Reluctantly, I gave in. I'm also glad I did. Addy and I are no different than Truly and I. Our bond is just as close as it is with the child I breastfed. And is she sickly? No. In fact, Truly went to the doctor more times than Addy has. Has Addy had ear infections? Yes, 1 minor ones, that was easily adjusted just by watching carefully how we fed her.

Would I breastfeed again? Sure. Would I formula feed again? Why not.

The fact that Time is bringing to our attention breastfeeding and the lifestyle is a great way to get people thinking and talking about it.

Don't we all love a lil' chatt-ah!

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