Monday, October 22, 2012

3 Time Saving Tricks for Mom Bloggers

I have been a blogging mom for almost 6 years now. During that time, I've started (and sold) several websites, created online courses, ebooks, and have found many places to write across the world wide web. While I have grown to speak at events and write about blogging and social media for businesses, I still find a home blogging about my family, and connecting with other mom bloggers.

Being a mom blogger though, there are different responsibilities we have. From brand ambassadors, or campaigns, to maintaining our homes, we need to find better ways to make our life smooth and care free. 

The best thing about the blogoshepere is the support of everyone online, but sometimes life goes very fast and you need to keep up with everything. Here are some easy ways you can save time in your daily life:

1. Eliminate The Unnecessary

The first thing you should always do when you are looking for more time to add to your life, is to cut out the time wasters in your day to day. Do you have an extra blog that you are keeping, but you don't really have the passion for it anymore? Hit delete. Are you spending 3 days a week volunteering at your kids school? Cut it down to 2. Too many TV shows interrupting your day to day? Hit record and catch up after the kids go to bed.

2. Write Down What You Are Doing

On days where I just "wing it" and turn on the computer and figure out what I am going to do for the day, as I go along, I find I am a mess. Not only are my thoughts all over the place, but my writing and reviews are also all over the place. Then, when it comes to dinner time, we are left ordering a pizza. Take the time to write down what needs to be done today, group projects, and eliminate the unnecessary again. This way, you are on track and know what needs to be done. There are great apps to use from Producteev, Wunderlist, and ToDo lists to stay on top of everything.

3. Asking For Help 

I am a Champion for Time Dog . Time Dog is an amazing service for busy women, and especially busy mom bloggers. The truth is, you want to do everything for your family, but you really are just one person. Time Dog helps fill that gap. 

They act as your personal assistant and help with things from: 
Making Appointments and Reservations
Finding Directions
Gathering Recipes and Creating Grocery lists (My favorite)
Finding Coupons
Comparing Dishwashers and Costs
Get Info on Daughter's Ballet Class (Love)

The best thing is that Time Dog is super affordable and they have a Free account you can create. Check out the video below.

To get your Free account click on TimeDog!

As a mom blogger you may easily take on more than you really should, so always be sure to put your family first, and your blog second. We have amazing opportunities at our hands, literally, but if we do not know how to manage ourselves and our lives, everything can quickly fall apart.

Try to apply these 3 things in your life and you'll see a huge difference and more time on your clock.

I am a Champion Blogger for Time Dog . The links above are affiliate links. If you are interested in joining Time Dog as an exclusive Star Affiliate, feel free to contact me!


  1. I think I am going to have to start writing things down and planning my time. I basically wing it every day and every day I don't get to bed early enough.

  2. I'm with you 100%! There are days when I get the list out and BAM my day is SO stress free. Then the days I don't write things down, my whole day is scattered

  3. Great insight. I'm not a Mom blogger, but I definitely need the assistance with time maintenance. Thanks!


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