Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How To Be A Write At Home Mom (Tip 1 of 10)

I love writing. Being a freelance writer not only allows me to stay at home with my children, but gives me a chance to get my voice out in the world, published, and seen by an endless amount of people. I've also been working on a novel for the past year, and seeing it come together has been something beyond amazing.

The hardest thing for me is how to convince my husband that I am a writing mom. Most mothers that I meet and work with, have husbands who work outside of the home and support the family. It gets difficult to try and explain to them that not only is writing something that they love to do, but it is something that they feel like they can help support the family with. Their husbands just think that they are blogging away or writing nonsense.

Then there are husbands who fully support their wives.

Then there are husbands like mine, who are entrepreneurs and own their own businesses. They kind of understand how I can make money on my own, but at the same time he expects me to keep all of my motherly and household duties. Which is understandable of course.

So how do you do it?

Tip 1: Have A Talk With Your Family

To make sure that your family supports you, whether it's your husband, children, mother, brother, or sister, you need to specifically tell them what you are doing and what your goals are. You can't expect anyone to understand that you are not just typing away at a computer or escaping off to barnes and noble without any reason.

Sit everyone down in your family and explain to them that you are wanting to write a novel, that you want to block out time for yourself to write. Explain to them how you need to get out of the house everyday for an hour or so to get inspirations. Talk with your family about the deadlines you have twice a week for your freelance articles. Talk them through how in the next 2 years you want to be a published author.

Whatever your situation is and your goals are, let them be heard and talk with your family about how to weave your writing goals with your family's schedule. Whether it be ordering our dinner twice a week, or using time for dad to spend with the kids for you to catch up and write more words.

If you sit with them and tell them your goals, then they can understand that what you are doing will actually lead to results, and that this is something you truly want to do.

I've been contemplating on creating a blog specifically for writing mothers. If you have any feedback on that or think it's something that you could benefit from, I'd love for you to leave your comments below.

Keep a look out for my next tip on being a Writing Mom!


  1. Definitely start a blog for writing moms - I came to your blog because of the title - looking for other moms who write.

    1. Hi Sara, Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely be creating a blog for writing moms! I'll updated it here when it is complete.

  2. I think that is a great idea, I would definitely check it out!


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