Monday, April 11, 2011

Allergies Are Winning This Battle

Where I live, allergies are kicking my butt right now. I've never had really bad allergies until the last year or so. Right now the pollen count is insanely high and my girls and I have barricaded ourself inside to hide from the yellow tint in the air.

Don't believe me? My speaking voice sounds like a broken record. Literally. I know that's an expression used over and over again, but clearly imagine how a broken record would sound.....and bingo. Me.

My throat has swollen shut, my TrulyBear's eyes are red and watery, and my AddyBaby's fussing up a storm. Today has been all about TV, Internet, and Eating.

I've been able to get so much stuff done though today, which whom I have the allergies to thank for that I guess. It made all of us have to slow down. I got to enjoy my day with my girls, but with them not feeling good, they went to bed super early, which now allows me to spend some quality one on one time with my laptop.

If you don't know already, I've been behind the scenes working on the Lady Blogger Social Online Conference, and online conference for blogging and social media women. So that's taken up many night of working, but I'm so excited about it, I don't even care about the bags underneath my eyes.

I've also have been trying to get into more writing and freelancing gigs, but like I said earlier, the conference has taken any second my daughter's do not occupy.

One thing though that I am going to announce this weekend is a giveaway that I acquired. My friend gave me a $100 gift card to Staples as payment for a couple of articles I wrote for her, plus a little extra as a present, but instead of buying stuff for me, I was thinking of using it as a giveaway! I'll get more readers and have an awesome-er blog, and you could $100 to blow on anything at Staples!!

More deets coming soon!

Today, Just Pictures

Getting ready for her Ballet Recital Pictures

Outside by the Roses. Starting walking at 9 months. Here at 10 months.

My 2 princesses together :-)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Confession: I don't even have a desk

It's time to fess up. I don't own a desk.

Why? Because a desk just takes up way too much space. We wouldn't have room for all our toys, clothes that no longer fit us, and junk that keeps piling up. Where would we put all of that stuff??

In all honesty, I've gone through desk after desk after desk. The problem is, no matter how many different desks I have had, I never actually sat there and used a desk.

As you can see in the picture, anywhere my laptop is, my desk is. As a blogger and a writer, I've written some of my best stuff on the bed, in the back yard, at the playground, or at Barnes and Noble in between the romance novels and the cookbooks. I think I've seen you there too right?

I also don't have a need for paper or pens, or any other of those things that clutter a desk. I used Google Docs for pretty much everything, to schedule everything, and Evernote to keep a hold on all my notes and extras.

Where am I writing now? I'm sitting on the stairs.

If anything, this blog is my desk. This blog is the only place I consistently come back to and write.

Hence, the title, Stepfanie's Desk.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Death Of Our Dog

This week has been absolutely horrendous.

We have two little chihuahuas that we've had for the past 7 years or so. They've been our little "Fat Boys" excerpt from Alice in Wonderland.

Well on Tuesday we noticed our blond little fat boy, Mickey, was bleeding. We usually let them play outside for a couple of hours if everyone is too busy to take them out for a walk. They love it because our backyard has stairs so they'll run up and down for hours.
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