Monday, October 3, 2011

Easy Monday's - How To Limit Your List

I used to be just like everyone else, stressing out on a Monday, spending hours on the computer sending e-mails, while trying to run errands and get laundry done.

That was until I shortened my to do list and let the day run it's own course.

I was always so stressed out on a Monday that I ended up setting up a horrible, stressful week for myself.

Now my Mondays consist of a short 3 item to do list, 3 things that I MUST get done today. Once I'm done with that list, well, then that's it. I then let the day take on it's own course.

I thought that maybe I'd forget a couple of things, maybe I'd miss out on something important that needed to be done. Or maybe that I would take forever to do those 3 things.

What happened really blew my mind.

I ended up not only completing my 3 items within the first 2 hours of waking up, but the rest of the day was just so super easy because I didn't have this huge long list to rush over.

I casually got laundry done while catching up with TV, enjoyed my day running errands and going by the gym, and was completely relaxed as I waited in the carpool to pick up my child from school.

My blog posts were more easily written and e-mails were replied to promptly before dinner.

It was amazing how easily your mentality can switch when you weren't bombarded with the massive monday to do list.

Now every night, I create a new list of 3 things that I need to get done the next day, and every day has become this smooth transition that lets me be spontaneous, yet productive.
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