Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mommy, Do You Like That Boy??

Truly: Mommy, do you like that boy??
Me : Which one? (searching for the sweet n low packets for my coffee)
Truly: That one. With the hair! (pointing at older man with purple mowhawk)
Me: What?! No (moves her finger down from the air)
Truly: Why??? He's so cool. I mean. Look. Look Mommy!! (pointing) You like him..... (grinning. and still pointing)
Me: Truly! Stop it. (smiling and apologizing. that "i'm so sorry smile") I don't, now be quiet.
Truly: Ok fine...... But you like Jacob.
Me: Ugh... who is Jacob?
Truly: You know, Jacobbbb. On the motorcycle? You like him.
Me: Okay, fine Truly. Yes, I like him (continues to drink coffee from styrofoam cup)
Truly: Yup, I know. He's so beautiful. ( looks around trying to grab my cup) I don't like Edward though. Addy can have Edward.

I check the time on my phone, and see the Jacob on the motorcycle picture as my background, from Twilight.

I thought I'd have a little more time before we started talking boys!

A screenshot of my phone.

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