Friday, May 13, 2011

Juice In The City - Coming to San Antonio!

I am a huge fan of discount of websites. Groupon, Living Social, Daily Deals, they all have my e-mail address and every morning I'm flooded with decisions of who gets my money for what.  So when I heard about Juice in the City, I have to say I was a little bit skeptical.

That's until I actually clicked on the site. Just like I suspected, Juice in the City offers great deals like other bargain websites, but the main difference is who runs the site. Moms. You read it right, mothers! What an amazing idea!

I can't tell you how many times I delete one of these "deals" in my inbox because it's something that I can't use, don't care for, or isn't kid friendly. With Juice in the City though, their deals are chosen by Mothers, for Mothers.

These Moms, also known as Local Business Consultants (love it!) work with local businesses to bring you amazing discounts. There are no "caps" and no need to worry if you will get the deal or not. If you buy it, it's yours!

There honestly is no other opinion you can trust more than a fellow mom. We are known to be picky, voice our opinions, and expect the best! That's how I know Juice in the City will be an amazing addition to the San Antonio scene.

Visit their site here, sign up, and wait for the deals to roll in. You can also add them on Facebook and Twitter to follow their updates and be the first one to know about what deals are going on.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Juice in the City, while I am being compensated for this post, all my thoughts and words are 100% real. And excited if I say so myself!


  1. I can't wait for Juice in the City to launch!

  2. Yay! I'm just as excited. Thanks for commenting!


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