Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Puppy She Always Wanted

When we moved into our house in September of last year, I knew we had to get a dog. With my husbands work schedule of owning his own moving company, there are many times where he is working late, or get a job later in the day. There are times when it's just the kids and I at home and I'm a nervous wreck. I'm one of those people who think that the killer is going to bust down my door any second. I'm one of those people who has an escape route planned in my head if the worst were to happen.

Moving into this house, I knew we had to have a dog. We have a huge backyard, and a corner lot where student walk by on their way home from school. I also did not want the chihuahua, lap dog kind of dog.

So in came Matthew.

He is our black lab mix we got from the Humane Society. While he is still only 6 months old and not too much of a barker, he still "looks" intimidating and I think gets the job done with people knowing in the neighborhood we have the big dog. He's also super and gentle with the kids so he is a great family pet.


This is not the kind of dog our little four year old Truly was expecting. In fact, the opposite. Her dream dog has been a white, malti-poo. Although she loves Matthew, she has been very upset that this was not her dream dog. 

So I vowed to her little four year old heart that when I do find one, I'll get it for her. Why? Because well I wanted one to :)

Also she said she would be in total care for her. Now of course that's what all kids say, but giving her the benefit of the doubt and some quick google searching, say hello to our newest family pet, Princess:

Now I have to also give Truly the benefit of the doubt. We have had her or about a week and Truly has been on her game! Taking her out, feeding her, making sure she is in the right place at the right time. She really caught me off guard. Saying that they are BFF's would be an understatement.

These two are inseparable!

If this doesn't get you Best Mom Award, I don't know what else would! :)

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