Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Perfection For The Sake Of Your Children

Sometimes I wondering if I put too much thought and effort into how I look. Here I am getting my hair done, and for what? So that my husband can love me more? So I don't embarrass my children at the playground? Or maybe it so that I can feel prettier standing next to the woman beside me?

As a mother I always feel like you have to look your best because you no longer have to look good for you, the way people see you also judges how they see your children. If your a slob they assume your children's are slob. They end up feeling sorry for the spawn of the woman who can't come her hair.

I don't want to be that woman, but I hate the thought of having to look perfect all the time to impress everyone.

There's got to be a middle ground.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First Attempt at Christmas Decorating

I'm no "holiday decorator", in fact I've never been in a holiday decorated home. My family loves the holidays, but when it comes to christmas, we had the nice tree, the wreath outside, and the tree full of presents on christmas day. I never really felt into the christmas spirit until it was actually christmas day.

Being a blogger, it's fun that I get to come across some blogs where they show off all their little DIY christmas decorations, as well as how they change the theme of their home to fit the bill. Since I've started my #BeforeSchool Challenge, it got me thinking about how much I want to have memories with my children, and one of those memores is creating a loving home that they want to be in.

So this Christmas, I'm decorating. Little knick knacks, tinsel all over the house, and decking the halls, literally.

I got started and headed over to my local Garden Ridge to see what they had and was floored at the selection. I had no idea there were so much stuff that you could decorate with and for. I mean, door knob decorations? Really?

Nonetheless, I was determined and blow the minds off my kids and guests.

Little did I know, 2 hours later, I was stressed and looking at a full cart full of, what looked to me, junk.

I was planning on buying the lights and everything to decorate the outside of our house too, but at this point I was beyond exhausted.

I dragged myself to the counter, paid my dues, and came home to take nap over my knick knacks.

The end product?

And we still need a tree, that will then need decorations.

.......Oh the outside lights as well.

Whew, let's get this started!!!

#BeforeSchool Challenge Sickness Interruption

Today (well for the past 2 days) all three of us seem to have caught a little stomach bug and have been confined to mama's bed, close to the toilet, ever since. So while we aren't off having fun adventures, we sure are loving taking naps and watching plenty of Yo Gabba Gabba!

How's your #BeforeSchool challenge going?

Monday, November 21, 2011

#BeforeSchool 3 days of fun!

I haven't had time to post what we've done the past 3 days during our #BeforeSchool challenge, so here's some pictures of eating at our favorite Chinese place, making crafts, and having fun at a cousins birthday party!

Friday, November 18, 2011

#BeforeSchool Challenge

I've loved being able to work from home and raise my children with the opportunity to spend all the time that they want with me.

Truly is 4 years old, and her favorite things to do with her sister and I, is go to a chinese buffet, catch a lunchtime movie, or take a spontaneous trip to the museum or zoo.

This will all soon end, when my little Trulybear goes off to kindergarden next year, leaving me and her little sister Addy to have all the fun without her. She'll soon be gone 5 days a week, 7 hours a day, for pretty much the rest of her life. Anyone else think school is waaay too long???

Of course, I have options to home school her and join home schooling groups in our town, and also am checking out some private schools who have shorter classroom hours, but either way, her going off to school is a sad, yet growing part of life.

Truly is super excited about leaving me and venturing off into the world with her Barbie back pack in tow. She can't wait to have friends, have a teacher, and *gasp* do homework.

I'm so glad that she is excited and take pride in my fearless child.

Me on the other hand, not so much.

So as a way to accept the unavoidable future, I've decided to create a #BeforeSchool challenge!

Everyday until she goes to school, we are going to spend doing something fun, of her choice. This involves riding the train at the zoo, going to the movies, having a picnic, and even simple things like making our own play dough, baking cookies, or checking out a book at the library.

Everyday, I'll write a blog post, or post a picture of our #BeforeSchool challenge activity!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Time Just Continues To Fly

Addy is 5 months away from turning 2.

Truly will be starting school next fall.

Time really does fly.

And I don't know whether to cry or smile.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Easy Monday's - How To Limit Your List

I used to be just like everyone else, stressing out on a Monday, spending hours on the computer sending e-mails, while trying to run errands and get laundry done.

That was until I shortened my to do list and let the day run it's own course.

I was always so stressed out on a Monday that I ended up setting up a horrible, stressful week for myself.

Now my Mondays consist of a short 3 item to do list, 3 things that I MUST get done today. Once I'm done with that list, well, then that's it. I then let the day take on it's own course.

I thought that maybe I'd forget a couple of things, maybe I'd miss out on something important that needed to be done. Or maybe that I would take forever to do those 3 things.

What happened really blew my mind.

I ended up not only completing my 3 items within the first 2 hours of waking up, but the rest of the day was just so super easy because I didn't have this huge long list to rush over.

I casually got laundry done while catching up with TV, enjoyed my day running errands and going by the gym, and was completely relaxed as I waited in the carpool to pick up my child from school.

My blog posts were more easily written and e-mails were replied to promptly before dinner.

It was amazing how easily your mentality can switch when you weren't bombarded with the massive monday to do list.

Now every night, I create a new list of 3 things that I need to get done the next day, and every day has become this smooth transition that lets me be spontaneous, yet productive.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Facebook, It's Been Fun, But Maybe I'm Done

I was one of those users who got started on Facebook when it was strictly for college kids. You had to have a .edu e-mail address to sign up, and it was one of those places where it was just fun to hang around and wasn't as cluttering and dumb downed as Myspace.

Now that everyone and their moms have Facebook, especially my mom, she's all over Facebook commenting, posting, tagging..... a little frustrating....

I've been on Facebook for so long and have been on it recently just checking out some stuff, when I realized...... This is just a tad bit silly. I mean, who wants to know that you're stressed out at the grocery store, or that your so happy/angry/frustrated/elated about your husband. Does anyone really care where I am checking in at or that I'm feeling sleepy at the moment?? I didn't think so.

Being a blogger and working with social media with businesses, I definitely see the use for it for businesses and brands. It fills the gap and let's customers have a closer relationship to businesses then they didn't have before.

For personal use though, I'm starting to find Facebook a little, annoying. I love Twitter though still, because I am still able to upload cute pictures and network with professional people at the same while still keeping it personal.

I'd rather have a relative call me or text me versus than write on my personal Facebook Page.

I am liking Google+ though, but that could also just be because it's new and limited just like how Facebook was.

Of course though, I'll never be able to get rid of my personal Facebook account, as long as my mother keeps tagging me in all of her pictures....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When a 4 year old finds scissors...

Yesterday, my 4 year old daughter broke my heart. She completely had me crying, in tears, for at least 4 hours straight. You see, I had always took pride in my daughter. She had never drew on the wall, had skipped throwing tantrums in the terrible two's, and even made a super easy switch from being the only baby, to becoming a big sister. Yesterday though, she broke my heart.

This is a lovely picture of my 1st born angel. This is her 2 weeks ago at her first day, of her 3rd year of ballet class. Take note of her beautiful long, thick curls. She very much is a girly girl, except for the fact that she's very much like a tom boy :) I love her hair though. We braid it, have it long and flowy, and she refers to her hair as Rapunzel's hair.


I walked in on this yesterday...

Yes. That's hair. Truly's hair. Mixed in is some of her pony's hair too.

My dear sweet Truly did the unthinkable and decided that she needed a haircut of her own. I couldn't believe it. "Why?!?" I begged, "Why would you do this??!"

She knew I was upset and mad, but she told me, "Mommy, it's hot, and I'm beautiful, I wanted to be beautiful..."

She continued, wiping my silly tears, "Now it's like Rapunzel too when she cut her hair, I'm beautiful."

"Truly... yes.... you are always beautiful....."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Teenage Years Don't Scare Me

Outside Katy Perry Concert

Requests to my 4 year old, to the future teenager that awaits me

Dear Truly,

If this is the attitude that I get now, I do not look forward to our teenage years together.

Plus, I'm pretty sure you will be taller than me.

And then you remind me that you are a sweet, precious little girl, who loves and appreciates me so much!

The Katy Perry Concert Stage

Even though everyone warns me about your teenage years, I know that our teenage years together will only be as horrible and stressful as I allow. 

This was our first big concert, out of many to come, going together.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fitting Through Tunnels and Stealing Teenagers' Clothes

I started really trying to lose weight about 2 months ago. During July though, we went on vacation, I didn't gain on weight (amazingly) but didn't lose any either. I've dedicated myself into not overeating, which has been a huge problem for myself, and going to the gym and working out at least 4 times a week. 

My motivation for losing weight was I was about 40 lbs over my pre-baby weight. My "baby" is almost 2 years old. I wanted to lose the weight now before those extra 40 lbs decided they were at home and would stay forever. 

Another motivation of mine was that my daughters love to play. They love to jump, climb up trees, and go through tunnels. When mommy is constantly fussing at her shirt and can't fit through the tunnels, all the fun is gone.

My last motivation to lose weight is I have 2 teenage sisters who are gorgeous and thin. Not to sound like I am comparing myself because I get that they are teenagers and can eat what they want and still look fab, but it's hard to go places with two gorgeous sisters who are also thin. My family is awesome, but they know what I used to look like and it gets a little depressing when everyone knows that I "used" to be like them. No one ever criticizes me of course, they all encourage me because I can get depressed at times about it. I'm not trying to go allll the way back to pre-baby weight, because, well that's just ridiculous. I was 115 lbs back then, waaay to thin for me. But I'd still like to steal my sisters clothes every now and then.

So here is my progress: I've lost about 15 lbs, and 3 pant sizes. I love how I'm looking and feeling. About 10 more lbs and my sisters clothes will be mine!!! (oh and I'l be healthier too)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If Everything I Owned Were Gone

Yesterday afternoon, my city fell into some turmoil. Wildfires filled an area of our city and I watched (and read via twitter) about evacuations and families staying at friends' homes. I always hear on the new about hurricanes and earthquakes and wildfires happening in other states, but having this hit just 10 miles away shook me a little bit.

Hearing about people whose homes were burning, all I could do was look around my home and think, "Man, If all this stuff burned up, that would really be awful!" I mean, I'd be more than overjoyed that my family was safe and that our love and compassion for one another could never be hurt, but it still pains me to think about all of this stuff that I worked so hard to buy, would just be burning away during one afternoon.

It's not that I have nice things either, or that my children are spoiled, (they are though) but just looking back on all of the nights spent blogging and writing, working with deadlines, and stressing out about how to pay this and that. To have all of that hard work just disintegrate would probably break me.

So I started thinking, why would I work so hard for something that I can't take with me, something that can just be taken away in an instant? What is the point in busting my ass day and night for something that can break, be stolen, or burned?

What can't be taken away from me, are memories. Instead of investing my money in something that can be taken away from me, I should invest it into memories, time with my children, annual museum passes, trips to Disney twice a year, long summer days, and even longer nights.

Because, really, what else is there? 

Juice in The City Deal: $25 for Your Choice of Skin Service at BeautiwithDiane Salon

Today's Juice in The City deal is another day of pampering for all of your hard work you put up with over the long summer!

 Looking a little rough around the edges? Time and all of the elements can take their toll on your delicate skin, so give it some love and look better as a result! BeautiwithDiane Salon is the perfect place to relax while pampering your pores, and today's deal gets you a skin rejuvenating Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peel or Ultrasound Facial for only $25. That's a bargain your face won't want to pass up! 

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City deal for San Antonio Moms!

 Not in San Antonio? Click here to find out the deal closest to you!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Raising Children: They'll Do As They Please

No one can tell you what to do. It's a proven fact of human nature. No matter how right that other person may be, or how wrong they may think you seem, you will never do what anyone will ever ask you. You will always do what you desire, and what you think is best. Sure, other people's opinions and thoughts may cause some influence, but your actions are never a direct influence of other people. Your actions come from something inside of you telling you what to do.

Is that a bad thing though?

If you are confident in yourself, then of course not. Now, if you question yourself, than this kind of thinking may do more harm than good.

I've always been one to know exactly what I wanted. Growing up as a rebellious, but still loving teenager, I would overhear my mother telling other people, "She will just do what she wants, what can I do." To give my mother some credit, she did a lot. I was grounded plenty and punished for my actions. Her reasoning though, was correct. I would never admit I was wrong until I knew deep down inside that I was the wrong one. 

So what do you do when someone close to you is making the wrong decision?

You can't say or do anything that can change their mind. What you can do, is be there for them, guide them, and build their confidence in themselves so that you can trust that they know what is best for them.

This is the type of mentality I hope to bring to my children as they get older and go through the phases of discovering who they are.

Sure it will be hard to understand that loving them, and disciplining them, is not the same thing as making them do what I please.

I hope to build their confidence in their decisions, and that they must always do what is right for themselves.

Because no one can tell you what to do. Except yourself.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Juice in The City Deal: $9 for 6 Custom Cupcakes from Gigi's Cupcakes

Today's Juicy deal lasts for a couple of days, so you have plenty of time to take advantage of this awesome deal!

September Goals

It is finally September. I feel as if August literally kept dragging on and September would never get here! I guess for me it's because there are a lot of things happening in September, from the Katy Perry Concert I am going to go to with my sisters and Truly, to us moving into our new house on the 15th. We have so much to prepare for, so many things to buy, and so many different things to make sure that will go smoothly.

Being it's the beginning of the month, I thought I'd try writing down some goals I'd like to accomplish this month. This way, I have something to keep me accountable for all my actions of the month.

September Goals
  • Practice patience with the children
  • Make an additional $200 a week 
  • Save money this month for Christmas gifts
  • Get Truly to write A-Z and know how each one sounds, start reading small words
  • Get at least 2 articles published (and paid for)
  • Write at least 3 guest posts for other sites
  • Lose 10 more lbs.
I think that should do it!

Plus, my favorite song of September

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Juice in The City Deal: $15 for $30 Worth of Children's Apparel at Kid to Kid

Today's Juice in the City deal is one you can not miss!!

Kid to Kid buys and sells gently used children’s clothing, toys, furniture and other baby items. Local moms can trade in their own goods for cash or store credit, so everyone comes out a winner! They carry the latest trends in baby and children’s clothing and toys, and all of it is practically like new - but costs you much less than pricey department stores! Besides tons of cute clothing, you can find all sorts of equipment and furniture here. Looking for cribs or cradles? Check. Strollers and joggers? Check, check. Don't miss the large selection of nursery décor, high chairs and other equipment, all in great condition. Grab this deal and get $30 worth of clothing for only $15 at one of three Kid to Kid locations in San Antonio. You’ll be surprised how far it stretches! Not only will you be saving money by shopping here, but you'll be helping Mother Earth too, which we love.

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City Deal

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sometimes I Wonder If Luck Is Real

4 years old, Miss Truly

15 months old, Miss Addy

Juice in The City Deal: 64% Off Steam Cleaning for 4 Rooms from A+ Carpet Care

A+ Carpet Care technicians are dedicated to terrific customer care – from arriving on time and offering competitive prices to leaving your carpets stain-free and smelling great. They’ll accommodate your schedule, and come with rave reviews. The company’s environmentally sensitive, too, using eco-friendly products that won’t leave behind harsh chemicals. Quick, honest and efficient, A+ Carpet Care is at the top of its class. With this deal, just $50 will get you four rooms professionally steam cleaned, plus your choice of an extra hallway (or three small closets). Grab this deal today and start the school year off with high marks from A+ Carpet Care!

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City deal.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Juice in The City Deal: $6 for $12 at Flour Power Cafe

Today's deal is at one of my daughters' favorite places to go grab a snack or meal after a long day, or to start a great morning!

Flour Power Café & Bakery on NW Military Hwy is going to keep your belly filled up and your taste buds happy for all three meals. They’ve got everything from delicious pancakes and French toast breakfast plates to crisp salads topped with homemade dressings, to fresh sandwiches and gourmet burgers. Throw in some vegetarian options and a kids' menu, and you can bring the whole family along. And nothing will make the family happier than topping all this off with some of their homemade cakes, cupcakes, cookies or muffins. You can even order a custom made cake, or just come in for a cup of coffee and some free Wi-Fi. Everything’s made fresh, everything’s made daily, and everything’s made to perfection. Owner and pastry chef, Cindy Olivarez, makes sure of it. Grab this deal for a home-cooked meal that will satisfy every palate and any appetite!

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City deal.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Busy As Bees: Mommy Edition

I've pretty much been running around with my head chopped off for the last couple of days. Whether it's trying to handle all of my online blogs and businesses, selling websites, or working with bloggers and their blogs, I still have to get ready for our move into our new house next month on the 15th.

The girls are actually going to be getting their very own room. Right now, Truly shares a room with her brudder, which she usually sleeps with us anyway, and Addy sleeps with us. So the girls getting their own rooms is extremely monumental for them me.

I decided to buy those cute little bunk beds because it made Truly excited to have a bedroom set that looked like a dollhouse! Also in preparation for our move I've been following some type of bloggers I've never thought of before, DIY Bloggers!

I love everything that I've been finding and I'm excited to try all the new things in my home!

On top of all of that, I've also started Truly with an online program to help her with her reading and letters in addition to what I do with her.

My goal is to have her reading and writing before school starts for her next year. It's been a real challenge as she is really resistant to do anything that isn't fun in her eye! So my second goal, make learning fun!

Monday, August 22, 2011

School Year Goals

Truly is only 4 years old, so she doesn't go to school until next fall. What I will admit is that I do not feel as if she is where she should be at, educational wise. Yes, she knows her ABC's but writing the words and reading is too much of a hassle for her. This of course is all my fault. I very easily give into the syndrome of letting her do what she wants, which usually consists of TV, and just lounging around with her sister and I, until we go to the playground and play, come home eat, and just do that all day long. Here and there I squeeze in a little blogging, and on certain days, she goes to Karate or Ballet. We do not have as many books in the house as I'd like, and rarely to I encourage her to practice her ABC's, her phonics, or challenge her educationally.

Luckily for me, she learns very quickly. One day we went over writing, and she got it down in a second, but the problem was, she was easily bored. Even more luckily, I've realized this before she has to go to school next year. So with kids going to school tomorrow for us in Texas, it is now my turn as mom to get my little 4 year old up to par where she has been lacking this year.

I've bought Kindergarten workbooks, dry erase boards and markers, and lots and lots of stickers for rewards. Being a kid, seeing all of this stuff has made her super excited, but now it's actually getting her to sit down at her desk, and keeping learning fun, that is going to be the challenge.

For all you home schooling mama's and those moms who work extra with their kids who go to school outside of the home, how do you keep schoolwork fun for your children?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pink Throw Up, Yup, That's What I Want

We are looking forward to getting into a new house within the next month, and while we are trying to save up our pennies and dimes, the girls will be sharing a room. This means that we get to completely design a new room for them and I'm super excited!

Love this bed for the girls to share!

This would be more Truly's taste. Pink throw up is what we call it.

So here is where you come in. How in the world do you set up a room for a 4 year old and a 15 month old to share? Bunk beds or two twin beds? How about organizing clothes and toys? Any tips on utilizing space?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Think I Have A Superstar In My Hands

Truly has always loved dancing. She has been in ballet since she was 2, and when there's music on she'll dance. I don't mean that dancing that you see other toddlers doing, the jumping and waving their hands, which is cute, because that's what Addy does, but Truly has always danced, copying a certain style. She would either dance ballet style, start breakdancing, hip hop dancing, and salsa dancing. She understands that there is a certain style to different types of dancing.

Here is a video we took of her yesterday. Note, that this came out of nowhere, but I believe it's from watching Americas Best Dance Crew a little too much. Oh and yes, that is a shower cap on her head. Again, I don't know why.


Juice in The City Deal: $20 for $40 Worth at AnisElla's Eco-Chic Salon & Spa

Today's San Antonio deal from Juice in The City is not one that you want to miss out on! As moms, we ned to be pampered. We have to carry all this weight on our shoulders, should they be massaged once in a while? 

"We love that AnisElla's Eco-Chic Salon and Spa is equally dedicated to both their clients and the environment! AnisElla's strives to lessen the carbon footprint we leave by reducing, reusing, recycling and using energy efficient products. Choose from salon services like a haircut, color, manicure or pedicure to soothing spa services like a facial, waxing, or luxurious massage. No matter which service you choose, you’re guaranteed a positive and relaxing experience when you’re at AnisElla’s. With a dedicated, professional staff and lovely ambience, leave all your worries at the door and prepare to be pampered, mama. All the better knowing you’re patronizing a business that strives to do good for Mother Earth. But grab this one quick – this amazing deal has limited quantities."

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City deal for San Antonio Moms.

Not in San Antonio? Click here to find a Juice in The City deal close to you!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Juice in The City Deal: $7 for $14 at Kings Court Frankfurter Express

On a warm summer day, a hot dog and some fixin's seems like a noble choice. But skinny dogs on soggy buns are strictly for commoners. Find a frankfurter fit for a king with today’s deal: just $7 for $14 at Kings Court Frankfurter Express.

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City Deal for San Antonio Moms.

Not in San Antonio? Click here to purchase today's deal in your area.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Morning Could Be A Drag

... But not if you wake up to this...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Juice in The City Deal: $60 for 5-Step Microdermabrasion at Anica Med Spa

This is an awesome deal for us moms who may have forgotten ourselves as we raced children down halls and cleaned up after playdates.

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that "polishes" the skin, revealing a smooth, fresh layer of skin. Anica Med Spa uses an advanced diamond microdermabrasion technique, ensuring a pleasant, relaxing experience. And rest assured you’ll be in the hands of the experts – Anica Med Spa is a physician-supervised spa that provides a professional, welcoming place to pamper yourself while improving your appearance. Anica also provides a wide range of other services that can help reduce wrinkles, repair sun damage, prevent acne breakouts and reduce acne scarring. With today's fabulous deal, you're well on your way to revealing a beautiful and smooth complexion. Here's lookin' at you, gorgeous!

Click here to buy today's Juice in The City Deal for San Antonio Moms.

Not in San Antonio? Click here to find out your cities deal of the day!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facebook For Couples

I spend a lot of my time online and networking, whether it is on the laptop or my iPhone. My job is working is bloggers, businesses, and freelance writing, so all of my work has to do with the beautiful world wide web. Most of the time, I'm also constantly promoting people on Facebook and Twitter. My husband owns a moving company. While he does some Internet Marketing (he should be doing more) he spends most of his time working, rather than being on the computer. He doesn't even own his own computer (gasp!!) In the past couple of months though, he has just started taking up Facebook.

This has been both good and bad. On my personal Facebook, I use it to update family and friends on my kids and stay in touch with extended family. A lot of close blogging friends and contacts also stay in contact with me on my personal Facebook, versus just calling them on the phone. What my husband doesn't understand is pretty much the need for having certain people on my Facebook.

Likewise, I feel like my husband just adds anyone he can on Facebook, people he doesn't even know, and then shares pictures of our kids on his Facebook. We've even had arguments over Facebook, isn't that silly :)

We've been able to talk through most of our problems, but that had me thinking about what other couples do with online networking tools.

My question is, how do you deal with Facebook or Twitter and Your Significant Other? Do you share passwords, only add people who are mutual friends? How about jealousy, do you ever experience jealousy with the time your significant other spends and people who comment on their profile?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mixed Martial Arts For Mommy

I love kickboxing. Everyone that has ever met me says that I look athletic. I never played sports in school. Mostly because we moved to Germany when I started Middle School, came back to US in High School, and was just too socially awkward to attempt to participate in sports. I've always been athletic though. I've always had the fastest mile, could do the most chin ups, yes, that was me.

Notice my past tense of was.

Now I spend my days typing away on a keyboard. My exercise consist of chasing a 15 month old up and down the stairs and throwing a 4 year old from couch to couch. Apparently, this is fun for them. Occasionally I do go to a fancy pants gym, but rarely can I convince myself that in the moment where I don't have to change a diaper that I should go exercise.

When I do go to the gym though, I love kickboxing classes. I remember doing Tae Bo with my mother to good ol' Billy Blanks when I was like 10 years old. I have great natural form, and if I'm out of the house and have to exercise, it might as well be kicking and punching stuff.

I'm always looking for ways to jumpstart my fitness routine and lately have been looking into Mixed Martial Arts. Yup, the same one your husband watches, UFC fighting. Being a woman, something that also interests me is power. Being a mother, something that interests me is defending my children if need be. So, fitness, power, and protection to me, is Mixed Martial Arts!

How bad ass would that be to tell someone, "Yeah, I'm going to my MMA class." I can see the looks now.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Juice in The City Deal: $5 for 3 Admissions to The Peddler Show

The Peddler Show offers Texas shoppers a completely unique shopping experience. Walk in and find a contemporary marketplace with a huge selection of home décor, handcrafted jewelry, hot fashions, gourmet treats and creative gifts. For just $5, you and two friends can stalk your prey at the New Braunfels Civic Center in New Braunfels, Texas, August 5-7, finding uncommon treasures, holiday gifts and maybe a little something special for yourself, too. Don’t miss the chance to attend this one-of-a-kind event for a third of the price – and let the thrill of the chase continue!

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City Deal for San Antonio Moms!

Not in San Antonio? Click here to find your cities Juice in The City Deal!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Google Chrome: A Mom Bloggers Dream

I've been spending more time on the computer lately. My Macbook Pro is still huge, but I've implemented a new way to love it. I have been using Safari for the longest time, but lately it hasn't been cutting it for me. The spell check has been weird for me, and most of the time it hasn't been playing a lot of the videos. Even worse, it has been slow. With 2 kids who are addicted to Netflix as much as I am, that's a huge no no.

Firefox is also "blah" for me. It just doesn't have the cool feel to it. I know, I'm super judgmental. You can bring that up with me some other day.

I've had Google Chrome on my desktop for some time and love using it because it seems to be faster than the other Internet browsers. Yesterday though, I decided to really check it out.

I am in love with the Web Store. Just like with the Apple, they have a little App Store. The cool thing about Google Chrome is that you can download Apps and Extensions that will work with your web browser. I like this because it doesn't take up space on my actually computer. It doesn't take up memory on my hard drive making my computer even slower. It's all on the web browser.

The extensions are what I love the most because they make blogging and social networking 100 times easier  I'm a Google Addict, so I use gmail, google calendar, docs, all of them, and they are all easily accessible in my browser.

In addition I can also update all of my Twitter feeds and check on Facebook in a second.

Shorten links, chat with friends, stay updated on tasks, all right in my web browser.

I also made my iGoogle page my home page, with the beautiful Teen Wolf as my background. Again, you can judge me later.

Needless to say, these Apps and Extensions not only save me from the headache of multiple items open on my desktop, but make me extremely more productive.

Gracias Google Chrome!

Juice in The City Deal: $17 for a Grooming Package or Daily Boarding from Barkspace

As much as I love the dog that we have, I hate the fact that you actually have to take care of grooming them. I mean, I already have two kids I have to bathe, you mean I have another one to bathe to! And this one is a lot grosser. I mean, he rolls around in the mud, and there is no way you can control him! At least the kids listen when you tell them not to roll in the mud (most of the time that is.)

Today's Juice in The City Deal is perfect for all the mommies who have pets that do not listen to you as well. You can choose of either getting the grooming package or one night of boarding.

"Summer fun is a lot easier to enjoy without guilt over leaving your poor pooch behind. Have some guilt-free fun while your pup gets pampered with today’s deal: just $17 for a grooming package or one night of boarding at Barkspace."

Click here to purchase today's Juice in The City Deal for San Antonio Moms.

Not in San Antonio? Click here to find out your cities Juice in The City Deal.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Apple Doesn't Think Of Mom Bloggers

My Macbook Pro is just too darn big! We recently got back from vacation a week ago, and during that vacation, I was hosting an online conference, completing school work, and writing blog posts. I brought my Macbook Pro, my only laptop, with me to get some work done. While in the car traveling, there was a time where a session during the online conference called me to moderate it from the car. I pulled out my gigantic 17 in Macbook Pro and got to work. I was getting crumbs on it, bumping the arm rest left and right, and overall it was disastrous. Even when we got to hotels, it was way to stressful to pull it out and set it up to get any work done. Most of the time, I used my iPhone to do any blogging and updating. My mother has also has an iPad, but when I used it, I felt the same way with the Macbook Pro, it was still too big, and more time consuming to type anything.

Also, I've been doing a lot of traveling back and forth from my apartment to my moms house. Granted, the trip isn't anything more than 2 miles, but I have to lug the laptop with me to get some things done that aren't covered by the iPhone.

So currently I am at my mothers house using a Dell Inspiron Mini that they have. 10 inches. I am in love. Granted, I am an Apple fan all the way, but this small laptop makes it so ideal with two small kids. I'm able to just pick up this laptop, run up stairs, throw it in my purse, and get work done virtually anywhere.

I know Apple's solution is the iPad, but like I said before, it's still too big and too fragile. They also have the Macbook Air that is 11 inches, but most netbooks are 10 or 9 inches, which again makes the Macbook Air too big. With 2 little ones, something that fragile around while blogging, being it is so thin, also wouldn't work with my nerves, and my pocket book.

I will never part with my Macbook Pro, but I may need to rent this thing from my parents more often than not. Or of course, I could buy my own :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Private School Debacle, WWYD?

There isn't much going on lately. I've just been trying to find my rhythm and deciding on what to do next. I've been doing some extensive research on how to go about creating another Social Online Conference. I've also been looking into schools for Truly, as she starts Kindergarten next fall. She will be going to private school and a have about a year to figure out how I could possibly afford that.

It's not only the cute little uniforms that appeal to me (but aren't they!). I am fully aware that it is the family who influences the child the most, but a place where she has to go, everyday for the next 13 years, for 8 hours a day, will not be a public school if I have a choice.

Public schools have changed immensely since I was in school. I personally feel like the government does not see education in the public school system as a priority. They have fired amazing teachers left and right and cut down on school programs that enriched childrens' days.

I also am a christian. Now, I'm not going to go parading down the street and try to convert people left and right. I know what I believe in, and if you'd like to hear about it, I'd be more than happy to tell you. If not, I'll still be your best friend. That being said, my closest friend is Muslim, and I think the gay community is awesome. I feel this way because of my upbringing in the christian faith and my security in what I believe in. I think that that kind of security in your own beliefs is being lost in public schools. They are being taught to frown upon religion so early in their lives, that there is no religious foundation whatsoever. No matter what kind of religion. Everyone knows that this country was founded "under God", so why try and take that out of the Pledge and change history?

That being said, I want my daughter to go to a christian private school. Not a catholic private school. I am not catholic, and boy does it confuse me :) But again, I'm open.

I want my daughter to be confident in her religion first and formost, then she can make whatever decisions she wants in life.

It's also not just the religious aspect that appeals to me, but the programs as well. They take time to develop your child's educational skills. Music, Art, Sports, Literature, Math, not one aspect is sacrificed for another.

That being said, what are your thoughts on private schools?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bottles Are For Babies

This is what I've been trying to tell my youngest lately. "Bottles are for babies, you're a big girl"

Addy is 14 months old. She was a formula baby. Truly was a boobie baby. Both are perfect. I didn't feel "closer" to my breast fed baby than with my formula baby. I also don't think they felt, smelled, or looked any different either as most people say. As far as the breast fed baby being healthier, I've taken Truly to the doctor plenty more times than Addy when she was that age.

The only difference was Truly was a boobie baby for quite some time. Not to feed her of course, but to comfort as most moms say. She weaned herself because I got pregnant and she eventually just didn't want the hassle of getting around mommys belly.

Addy though, she's a different story. I've been working the last month getting her off the bottle. Just like Truly, she doesn't use her bottle when she's hungry, but just to comfort her. Addy is also a blankie baby and thumb sucker baby. She's always found ways to comfort herself when she got upset or someone upset her.

I've tried hiding her bottles and hiding her formula. She will settle for juice in her sippy cup, or some rice milk in her cup, but in her bottle, she specifically wants formula.

Like I said though, I've hid them in her baby bag that we never use anymore.

This morning, I round the corner and see this:

My 14 month old went into her baby bag and attempted to make her very own bottle. She sat there for about 10 minutes opening her bottle, then the water bottle, then the formula can.

She was so tired as it was time for her nap, but she wouldn't give up. This continued for another 15 minutes. She was determined.

I gave in, made her a bottle, and put her down for her nap. That persistance and hard work deserved a happy ending.

Juice in The City Deal: $15 for $30 Worth of Giorigo Gifts!

Anyone who needs an awesome, one of a kind gift for anyone, needs to check out this deal! For $15 you get $30 worth of merchandise from the fabulous Giorgio Gifts.

You'll find amazing pieces for any occasion. Whether you are shopping for a birthday, engagement, wedding, baby shower, it's all here. You'll also blow your recipients mind by a unique gift here that you can't pick up anywhere!

Click here to purchase today's #SanAntonio deal from Juice in The City.

Not in San Antonio? Click here to find out the #JuiceInTheCity deal in your town!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

San Antonio Juice in The City Deal: Tazas Coffee House

Today's Juice in The City deal for San Antonio moms is $7 for $14 worth of food and beverages from Tazas Coffee House. This place serves awesome drinks and food, and we love going to visit for a meet up because the atmosphere is super friendly. It's a great place to relax with friends or family.

Featuring items from pizza, espressos, teas, soups, and so much more, this Juice in The City deal can go far! Note that bakery items are not included in this deal.

Click here to buy today's Juice in the City Deal

Not in San Antonio? Click here to find out your cities Juice in The City deal!

Disclosure: I was compensated for this post, but all thoughts and opinions are mine.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mama Got A Tattoo at LA Ink

Ever since I turned 18 I've wanted a tattoo. My mother always told me no and I listened. Yesterday while in Hollywood, my sister turned 18 and she wanted a tattoo. My sister has been planning this for a while and my mom gave in. So my sister and I stumbled into Kat Von D's studio, High Voltage Tattoos and got, well, tattoos! :)

My sister got 3 butterflies on her back symbolizing the three of us as sisters. I got just one tattoo, a Mothers Heart on my wrist. Now I really have to make it as a blogger, as I can never get a regular office job again ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kids First In n Out Burgers

The view we have in Arizona. Plus Truly's alphabet stickers decorating the van window. Plenty of "v's" huh?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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